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Lucius In Gladiator 2: Everything You Need To Know About Paul Mescal's Character

Lucius' Role In Gladiator

Lucius Verus II, played by Paul Mescal in Gladiator 2, was a character in the original Gladiator, but was just a child at the time. The upcoming Sequel takes place years after the first movie, so Mescal will play a grown-up version of the character. The character's childhood and the new details released about Gladiator 2 paint a picture of how Lucius will affect the events of the sequel.

In the original movie, Lucius was co-emperor of Rome alongside Commodus, but his age made Commodus the sole ruler. Lucius' biggest influence on the original plot was his impact on other characters. Commodus used the threat of killing Lucius to control Lucilla, his mother, and Maximus chose to spare Commodus because of Lucius' presence.

Why Was Lucius Recast?

While Mescal is a great choice for the role, recasting Lucius surprised many. Spencer Treat Clark, who played the younger Lucius, seemed like a natural choice for the sequel. Clark is older than Mescal, but still looks young enough for the role and has even reprised a childhood role as an adult in the past. However, director Ridley Scott had a different vision for Lucius.

Scott chose Mescal after seeing his performance in Normal People. Even though the series is very different from Gladiator 2, Scott saw something in Mescal. He was confident that Mescal could embody the role as well as Russell Crowe did in the first movie. The director was also impressed by Mescal's commitment to the role. Mescal worked hard to gain the physique and look of a gladiator, and Scott felt that Mescal had the "Roman" look.

What Happened To Lucius After Gladiator?

After Maximus' death in the first film, Lucius' mother sent him away from the Roman Empire to Numidia in Northern Africa. His time in the region hardened him and turned him into a skilled warrior. Lucilla likely sent him away to protect him from the power struggles after Commodus' death. This decision, however, created a rift between Lucius and his mother.

Gladiator 2 takes place years after the first movie, when Lucius is an adult with a family in Numidia. Marcus Acacius' Roman troops invade the region, capturing Lucius and taking him back to Rome as a prisoner. This leads him to fight as a gladiator, where he is forced to fight Acacius again. The events lead him on a path to fight against all of Rome.

Is Lucius Maximus' Son?

The original movie hinted at the possibility of Maximus being Lucius' father, but never confirmed it. Lucius seemed to view Maximus as a father figure, and the character's memory will likely influence Lucius' actions in Gladiator 2. Though it was never explicitly stated, the sequel seems likely to reveal that Lucius is actually Maximus' son.

Scott has stated that he envisioned the sequel revealing Lucius as the product of an affair between Maximus and Lucilla. This would create a thematic link between the two movies and would be especially important after so many years. Even if Scott's vision has changed since 2006, the idea of Lucius being Maximus' son is still a strong possibility.

The Real-Life Lucius

While Lucius has a prominent role in Gladiator 2, the real-life version of Lucius Verus II didn't have as much historical significance. The real-life Lucius Verus I and Lucilla had three children, all of whom died at young ages, including Lucius II. In fact, Lucius II died before Commodus became emperor, so the original Gladiator took some liberties with historical accuracy. Due to his early death, very little is known about the real-life Lucius Verus II.

The fact that Lucius is still alive in Gladiator 2 makes the sequel historically inaccurate, but this is not uncommon for Ridley Scott. Maximus wasn't a real person, but instead a combination of historical figures. Scott prioritizes the stories and lessons from history over strict accuracy. Gladiator's success shows that historical accuracy isn't essential for a good movie, and Scott will likely continue this approach in Gladiator 2.

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