The Lord of the Rings was full of fantasy creatures and diverse human civilizations. Those creatures and humans - the races - would become important characters - each group - has its own unique culture. In this world that Tolkien had built - several key groups.
Some of the human tribes that would come to play a key role in this tale - would be described as those with a very specific history or relationship with Sauron – in the book. Some of those tribes have been part of the movies.
Men in this story are considered to have woken up - in the east: Hildórien, those lands that were often ruled by Sauron - who is considered the enemy of those who are seeking peace.
Some of the first Men of Middle-earth - those who resisted this power and fought - became known as the Edain. Tolkien described those tribes as being divided into three distinct groups - the tribes who would eventually leave the eastern Hildórien.
The Númenóreans - a civilization that lived in one of the most prosperous - and advanced regions of Middle-earth - this was also one of those places which would have been influenced - by the Edain. These are also those groups that were influenced by those Elves who were known to have made a great effort to befriend them and help guide them in those battles against Sauron and, those moments when they would fight to survive.
Those groups - those Edain, would make the decision to leave those regions and, cross the sea - as they set off to discover Númenor: a beautiful - and peaceful - island, which would eventually be destroyed.
The Númenóreans - were initially blessed by the Valar - to have those lives filled with peace and those lives that extended the average lifespan of men.
This would eventually become one of the main reasons: those reasons that would lead to the destruction - Sauron who used that greed and those actions that are part of those who were seeking more. They wanted to grow their power.
As Númenor fell, some of those groups who were seeking to survive - made the decision to flee: These were those Númenóreans - who fled to a new land: Middle-earth.
The Númenóreans - who crossed the sea - they would end up establishing those two important realms in Middle-earth: Gondor and Arnor. Their lineage would become known as the Dúnedain - those who would live in that part of the world.
The Rohirrim – a proud group who were descendants of those groups, who were seeking to grow those settlements: The Éothéod. A tribe that had an important part of how Gondor, a great, powerful kingdom. This tribe would eventually move to those regions and make their homes - as a part of those lands that are now known as the kingdom of Rohan, this was also a key moment: in the series as it showed how that alliance - with the Gondorian Men could be forged into a strong alliance and lead to the defeat of Sauron.
The Rohirrim were one of the few groups, - a group that had made their homes, in those regions of Middle-earth, a powerful civilization: Gondor - the civilization that was part of those stories, filled with a lot of conflict.
But, there are those moments, where those differences - and even those similarities were evident as the Rohirrim.
The Lord of the Rings is a tale that includes a number of those conflicts - as those characters face each other in battle: Sauron the most powerful - a force to be reckoned with: He is considered to be one of the most important - and even one of the most key characters - that would bring those events that are featured in this book. The Haradrim. One of those groups that fought for Sauron, one of the few groups that had fallen to his dark ways. Sauron would be known to have ruled many.
Those who fought Sauron – those men that stood in his way were often those who sought to preserve those regions, or those realms.
Those who have made a study of The Lord of the Rings will recognize this group: the Lossoth - those who have been associated with a more mysterious and ancient past.
The Lossoth, descended from the Forodwaith - those who lived far to the north. The Lossoth - one of those groups, who often have to be reckoned with: those who were often those men that fought for peace and a more humane - and respectful - relationship between men and the land.