Is The Grand Admiral Thrawn Of Star Wars Canon The Same As Star Wars Legends?
Grand Admiral Thrawn has become an iconic villain - appearing in both the Star Wars canon and the Star Wars Legends continuity – this has resulted in those two unique versions of Thrawn - as those stories continue to evolve for readers, including those key moments where he has taken on those who opposed the Empire.
While Thrawn has remained as a key villain for Star Wars – those two timelines - they each have some key moments which show that they're unique versions, especially as they reveal how he was presented to fans - those events have continued to create a deeper understanding of those characters.
What Does The Newer Canon Do To Star Wars: Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Story?
Star Wars: Rebels – it was an important show for Star Wars , especially as it introduced the new canon to those viewers who were not familiar with that universe.
As the show continues to gain attention – and it helps create that interest - that will grow even more with those future stories - including how it introduces those key elements: Grand Admiral Thrawn , a villain whose strategic abilities helped propel his rise to power. Fans are going to see just how his role is going to be continued.
Why Is Star Wars Canon Choosing To Have Grand Admiral Thrawn Interact With Star Wars Rebels?
The new Star Wars canon is taking a fresh look at the stories of those characters who were introduced - those stories had continued to unfold in the Legends timeline. Thrawn - he was featured prominently in the Star Wars: Legends universe, as fans began to get acquainted with how he became such a major villain - now - there’s a renewed focus on that. Those key moments - they're being given a new life and will likely shape future Star Wars stories – in a way those stories that are based on a larger universe.
Rebels has played a central role - especially as it has allowed fans to explore those storylines. As audiences follow those events they'll learn more about how the universe is being re-written: Thrawn who was initially featured in the Star Wars Legends - he is now taking center stage in a new universe and it could mean more action for that particular villain - as well as some new twists.
How Did Thrawn Become Involved In The Empire?
Thrawn’s presence in the Empire - it was an important event. His arrival marked that moment where he sought to establish himself in this powerful force that had shaped the galactic universe for years.
Thrawn – he was chosen to help those leaders who had an ambitious, vision: A powerful group who were committed to their goals and Thrawn - who was recognized for those tactical abilities and that strategic, and masterful intellect - those traits, made him a natural fit for the Empire - and the kind of leader who could bring about their ambitions.
Where Can Fans Find Out More About Star Wars: Grand Admiral Thrawn?
Those interested in the Grand Admiral Thrawn - he is one of the most complex, multi-faceted characters. Fans of this particular villain will discover that there are many different Star Wars series and movies – with a unique backstory that continues to unfold.
It’s an exciting time for fans to get involved - as those characters come alive. Some will find the Rebels stories - some are going to want to look further, at the Legends timeline. Thrawn - that has always had a major presence - with more stories in the making for those fans to enjoy and get to know Thrawn - as well as those key characters that are associated with him.