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Ezra Bridger's Jedi Training: Would Cal Kestis Have Been a Better Master?

Exploring Ezra Bridger's Journey in Jedi Training

Ezra Bridger's journey in the Star Wars Rebels series was a journey through incredible moments, facing unique threats, and making important decisions. Ezra's training under Kanan Jarrus changed his life! This iconic show from the Star Wars canon gave Star Wars fans a look at Jedi Training In Star Wars Rebels.

Would Cal Kestis Have Been A Better Jedi Master For Ezra?

It's exciting to explore what-if stories, especially for fan favorites like Ezra Bridger! Fans might wonder if Ezra would have ended up differently if he had been trained by Cal Kestis. While Ezra learned under Kanan Jarrus, the thought of Jedi Training Under Cal Kestis is something worth considering.

How Did Ezra Bridger Train Under Kanan Jarrus?

Ezra was discovered to be Force sensitive while on the planet Lothal, and his Jedi journey began with the help of a surviving Jedi known as Kanan Jarrus Jedi, who had also escaped Order 66. As Jedi training was in upheaval, Ezra trained in hiding. They worked together to fight against the Empire! There were also some times Ezra faced Dark Side Influence, specifically from Maul Influence and Hondo Influence! This was a constant learning process, filled with both hardship and discovery. Ezra even battled Darth Vader.

Would Ezra's Jedi Path Have Changed with Cal Kestis As His Master?

What if Cal Kestis had been the Jedi Knight that trained Ezra, especially in the midst of Order 66? They both came from the era after Jedi Purge, meaning they could understand what Ezra faced in the Star Wars Timeline.

What Lessons Would Ezra Learn From Cal?

Both Kanan and Cal had experienced many trials in the fight against the Dark Side, but the two had some key differences! Cal Kestis survived betrayal by one of his closest friends in Jedi Survivor, so he was wary of trusting others and understood the perils of Dark Side Influence. He even nearly lost himself to the Dark Side, though thankfully survived. But would Ezra have been able to deal with his Dark Side influence and escape from his possible Ezra Bridger And The Dark Side struggle?

Could Ezra Bridger Have Followed a More War-Like Path Under Cal?

The world of Jedi was changing drastically. Ezra grew as a Jedi in Star Wars Rebels and faced dangerous trials! As both heroes served in the Rebellion Against Empire, Cal had more direct experience with combat. It would be very interesting to see how Ezra Bridger Journey might change! Could Cal have led Ezra to become a powerful warrior with some less Jedi-like practices and teachings?

Is There A Specific Spot in the Star Wars Timeline For This Story?

If you want to get lost in the timeline of Star Wars events, the Star Wars Rebels season runs from 5 BBY to 1 BBY. That places this series, the rise of Ezra Bridger Training, and the Jedi Training of Kanan Jarrus within an era that makes them critical players in a turbulent period in Star Wars history.

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