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Deadliest Catch: The 15 Most Memorable Boats That Made History

The show Deadliest Catch follows those who spend their lives making some dangerous and adventurous moments in the icy Bering Sea! This means getting a front-row seat and getting to watch how crews aboard these epic boats go out to make their livings, a series of amazing adventures on the big waves!

A Tale of Boats & Crab

No show is as full of boats as Deadliest Catch, these real vessels are the perfect combination of a dangerous working space, and home for a great crew, who also work for the real, juicy Alaskan king crab and snow crab! But Deadliest Catch isn't always as straightforward, with a crew of larger than life personalities and dangerous moments!

We also have the Discovery Channel, as one of the series' producers! Fans may be wondering if these characters are totally real but that's not necessarily the case! For sure they aren't scripted but those big, powerful ships, as well as the wild, rough and frigid waves, are very, very real! These behemoth ships, are nearly 370 tons, bringing all sorts of awesome and dramatic moments as well! They are big ships, made to challenge even the toughest conditions! They are all incredibly nostalgic in an "old world charm" kind of way!

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Epic Boats

Blended image of Norman Henson outside and in an ambulance in Deadliest Catch Image

It’s amazing how some boats have become synonymous with the series! Fans who haven't checked it out may not have any idea about this. The names of these vessels are a part of the world!

  • Northwestern. You just might hear about the boats' legendary captain Sig Hansen!
  • The boat named Seabrooke
  • A vessel known as the Wizard, with a truly impressive captain Keith Colburn.

The ships from Deadliest Catch aren't just named well and are also great for capturing those exciting moments! It's not always smooth sailing! But you can really get to see the best moments of this show! That's especially when October or January rolls around! They are off in the dangerous waters of the Alaskan waters with the crew from "Deadliest Catch.".

It looks like this is going to be around for a long, long time.

  • Deadliest Catch was introduced back in 2005
  • There are also tons of shows like this series on the Discovery Channel!
  • Fans are certainly captivated! It has this amazing way of capturing everyone’s attention with its great storytelling. You can't help but get sucked into what's unfolding for each and every crew.
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The 15 Best Boats

A shot of the fishing vessel Artic Dawn as seen in Deadliest Catch Image

If you’ve seen Deadliest Catch then you can't miss some of these exciting, incredible ships. You will want to know these ships! These are all the boats with unique and interesting personalities.

Each one of them have a specific look, too.

  • You might even find some ships are even more nostalgic with that vintage feel.
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F/V Arctic Dawn

Nick McGlashin Deadliest Catch fisherman Image
  • "F/V Arctic Dawn" was known as a huge part of Deadliest Catch for a very short time.

The reason, is that they got the opportunity to take viewers right back into what made "America’s Deadliest Season" so much fun, in a 3 part miniseries back in 2003. The captain, Ole Helgevod steered the show! It was pretty unique and the F/V Arctic Dawn was the center!

Without this vessel the show might not even be what we all know today. If anything it has a really powerful story! Sadly, it seems that the boat had a bunch of unlucky incidents in its long history!

  • It was no longer in use for crab, after 2005.
  • The vessel had a big hiatus in 2009.
  • Sadly, a massive fire went down on the boat.
  • 2010 was the year this occurred in the Lake Washington Ship Canal.
  • The captain got hit with even more! He was in legal trouble, as he was charged with DUI, which was bad enough, but the incident ended up making this even more shocking, getting charged with manslaughter back in 2017.
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F/V Kodiak:

Deadliest Catch (2005) - Poster Image
  • "F/V Kodiak is truly remarkable in its own way.
  • The boat only had an appearance of three seasons!

But what makes this a cool and really remarkable aspect is the fact that it was built way back in 1978! In fact, its name is a big clue. It gets its name from Kodiak in Alaska, a special location with some rich history!

  • At a size of 111 feet long it really makes a strong, unforgettable appearance. You've probably heard about this memorable captain of this ship called, "Wild Bill Wichrowski. "
  • Fans love him! But for Kodiak there were only 3 seasons as Wild Bill got a promotion to a new boat that many fans were waiting to see as well.
  • His new ship F/V Cape Caution appeared back in season 9!

If anything the boat that is no longer in use today, left a big impact. The F/V Kodiak might be one of the best "forgotten" ships!

F/V Billikin:

  • This next vessel had some of those "you didn't know you missed it moments!"
  • A special feature was its appearance back in 2005 when Deadliest Catch fans met a boat with Jeff Weeks at the helm. It lasted for one season, but no one would have ever expected its return.

After all, the show has changed dramatically. With Deadliest Catch being 19 years on the Discovery Channel it was a surprise. The F/V Billikin returned a full 17 years later.

  • You might have thought this ship would never show up, as a scooner, built in 1973!
  • Its length? It measures 132 ft. There was a new captain by this point. Fans of the show got to see Steve "Harley" Davidson!

But just like so many of the other vessels on Deadliest Catch, this was short-lived as he left to captain another vessel, the F/V Barbara J. in 2024!

Fans get a look at some pretty interesting and unique, almost hidden vessels, too, but no one expected to see The F/V Billikin show up on-screen again. But we will never forget it. It has a memorable spot for any of those who remember seeing it and for anyone who checks it out for the very first time!

F/V Lady Alaska:

  • If there's one thing Deadliest Catch is good for. It’s bringing you ships! You can imagine how many ships! Fans could easily forget that the boat was around. It wasn't as surprising as The F/V Billikin, since the Lady Alaska had been on-screen before in 2005
  • This is all back to the first season, where it was driven by Peter Liske, and you know what they say. This show is never really about leaving anyone completely behind!

One interesting moment. Is how long it took to show up again. But the ship was around and viewers finally got a second glimpse in 2020, making for some special excitement and recollection.

  • You get the chance to see Scott Campbell Jr., a super well-loved character!

He makes this memorable boat his vessel and it adds so much to "Lady Alaska"! He even has had prior roles before the return in a few seasons of "Deadliest Catch!

F/V Cape Caution:

  • Some of the boats will stick in fans' memories forever! A cool and impressive ship is the F/V Cape Caution, an incredible vessel that may have gone down in a somewhat unusual, though amazing way.
  • It may have gone down because of Bill Wichrowski. who is the heart of this particular vessel, fans love him.
  • There is even more history here. The F/V Cape Caution was super famous. It even has had 4 years in a row.
  • But in 2013 things started to change.
  • What made it truly unique it had some wild, unpredictable moments. This includes the vessel going against bigger, stronger boats on a very uneven playing field.
  • A vessel that has its fans really getting involved and that even included its super small size - around 98ft!

While you may miss this show if you have yet to dive into it!

F/V Southern Wind:

  • F/V Southern Wind, another ship that got a new look!
  • It didn't have a major time difference, showing up after a few seasons.

Fans can't miss "Harley." This awesome captain came along in season 15, but his big personality definitely brought out a good sense of how memorable he is! You'll definitely want to check this one out!

There's a really cool bit of information as well. In past seasons you might have noticed it being called a "Sablefish" vessel and even had a name known as "Seahawker. "!

  • The Southern Wind is a pretty big ship measuring 144 feet long or close to half the length of a football field! The ship is truly impressive at over 493 tons. That makes for a vessel with powerful characteristics. That has left those on the "Deadliest Catch" feeling a little on edge. You see, it is the perfect ship to face off against these other large vessels!

F/V Aleutian Lady:

With all the powerful and larger than life ships. F/V Aleutian Lady was super different, making a really big statement.

  • Its awesome, bright, "royal blue hull"!
  • It even has some special qualities to help the show. That is what really set it apart, too, with the great story of how it got its start. This Aleutian Lady is not a new boat, it was built all the way back in 1980.
  • Fans who love history might get excited because this is a family boat and even makes "Deadliest Catch" an interesting dynamic.
  • It all goes back to the Nichols Brothers, who were some major shipbuilders in Washington!
  • There is no mistaking the boat. It measures at an impressive 125ft long, carrying 189 tons. This makes for an amazing, exciting adventure in these unforgiving waters.

A great character, Rick Shelford! And he's the reason why we got a chance to see "The Aleutian Lady.", he's had some big roles, taking on new and bigger roles every single time.

Those who might have seen this in prior episodes know that he started with another ship! But, over the last seasons. he's earned his stripes. That is his chance to finally drive his own F/V Aleutian Lady.!

F/V Seabrooke

  • One ship you won't be able to forget is "Seabrooke." This incredible vessel that stands out from all the rest.
  • This show, and this boat brings back all kinds of memories, including a memorable loss.
  • It's got this vibrant red color to make this boat a showstopper and a very, very fast boat. Think of this as a powerful, seagoing corvette.

But, as we always remind everyone that these ships are part of "Deadliest Catch", they're also home, and unfortunately loss happens and is very tragic for the entire crew and families.

  • Mahlon Reyes
  • A very important crew member. Sadly passed away. It was such a tragic time, but you can imagine what a shock this was as it occurred on July 27, 2020.. He had been with the "Deadliest Catch crew.
  • You might notice this show brings back the importance of family and the heart that these families put into this dangerous, challenging work.
  • Sadly "Seabrooke has also been one of those boats that was part of the show. It's amazing to see the ship continue.

This means even more when you consider how important these ships are to the show and to their family legacies, it was really amazing when "Seabrooke made a return, giving "Deadliest Catch" another powerful storyline.

F/V Brenna A

  • Another ship in this remarkable lineup is "F/V Brenna A," a boat that really showcases that a ship doesn't have to be huge or over-the-top to be an awesome part of the series.
  • Sean Dwyer was a captain! There is nothing like those ships that have history.
  • One of the things you need to look for. Is how this ship really stands out and that includes the unique connection, especially as a younger "Deadliest Catch" captain, who really is talented, has a long history and continues to show this for fans of the series!

But you can't forget the background! This isn't some new boat. This F/V Brenna A was initially "Jennifer A," that made for some awesome history!

  • There was also this great story around the family and that's why fans were always paying attention!
  • That makes this special and adds even more impact! As Sean Dwyer was looking to honor the legacy of his father.

A boat with a small size makes this vessel a true underdog. In addition to its power, it comes in at an incredible 114 ft long! Even in those harsh waters.

F/V Summer Bay

  • It looks like these ships aren't just any ordinary ship but stand out, and you might notice an important, memorable boat on "Deadliest Catch," which is the F/V Summer Bay, a truly powerful boat that may have some unusual traits.
  • You might see this in more than one light! The show has had quite a few variations for "F/V Summer Bay.". The ship itself is amazing,
  • The design itself has an attractive, classic, powder-blue style, which may just leave those watching feel warm and cozy even though it’s on the wild seas. But if anything that just helps to create a sense of how interesting these boats are and all the cool designs!
  • You also have a powerful size for it. A size of 105 feet and can hold over 196 tons.

But it all goes back to this dynamic, memorable, well-known character on the series.

  • Bill Wichrowski, or as fans call him "Wild Bill," is truly one of the most notable stars!

You will get a taste of what this is all about.

  • This amazing captain gave Summer Bay some incredibly bold, risky moves, which is something that made for really good tv. The audience also loved how he had a bit of a rivalry, and those tense moments. That always brought a huge thrill for those who were watching.

It’s almost as if the ship took on a new adventure! When he brought in a very interesting figure on the "Deadliest Catch"! There are very few, legendary, people that work on the seas, but fans loved to see them in "The Perfect Storm" movie!

The character is "Linda Greenlaw," but a talented actress called Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio gave this iconic character life!

F/V Saga:

If there's anything more important than these amazing ships on "Deadliest Catch", its the story and history behind these ships! If there's one that stands out that also has a ton of amazing history? You won't want to miss "Saga!"

  • If we're talking a really powerful story with so many changes. There have been a number of captains at the helm, and that adds to what makes this show so compelling!
  • If we were to ask for a true "Saga" we may also be talking about the Saga's new captain, Jake Anderson! It was interesting. He didn't get his job at a super young age. But you might have also seen his early roles as a deckhand as well.
  • This ship really is where he made his career!
  • A crew who makes you really question who is going to have their turn! The F/V Saga has its own personality that made it incredibly dynamic!

F/V Wizard:

You can’t forget about some of the most incredible boats that ever graced Deadliest Catch, a truly amazing vessel, which has been around from day one. A ship that everyone loves.

It might not even seem so cool at first glance.

  • It may just be a standard ship, at 112ft and nearly 300 tons. What really sets this one apart? It has a truly amazing pirate design on its hull and the ship is decorated with this amazing pirate flag with a skull and crossbones!

But just like you wouldn't be able to guess by looking at its appearance.

  • Johnathan Hillstrand is an extremely memorable and talented captain. And he even brought this ship back to life!

In many ways, they are more than just those on board, they're a family and have the same sense of charm and family values!

But it wasn't all joy and a happy ship!

  • His brother, Andy Hillstrand, is a "Deadliest Catch" legend, and is more serious. But fans love him! But no one can miss those moments that really had those emotional scenes in the series. It's clear this relationship was strong between those two, making this duo truly remarkable. There was even a time when "Josh Harris" made an appearance in season 17 to help!

F/V Cornelia Marie

The boat called "Cornelia Marie" is iconic. Everyone has a feeling and sense of what this really is. But for sure if you're talking about this amazing ship you can't miss the captain of the boat that made so many unforgettable "Deadliest Catch moments!

  • Phil Harris. You might even have caught this vessel being the backdrop for an amazing life. Even for fans, this show is about how these tough fishermen don’t back down!
  • You will remember him, but it came with sadness as well, He passed away back on February 9, 2010!
  • You may even recall how those final moments were on "Deadliest Catch." But just as tragic as those moments were. Fans could also get to see just what made "Cornelia Marie" stand out as a beautiful, tough ship! It's so easy to remember it as its colors - bright yellow with blue streaks are hard to miss and really bring its style into full light. It even had a powerful capacity, it was able to haul almost 300 tons!

As with every single boat on "Deadliest Catch" there are some memorable people as well. The real standouts are Josh Harris and his brother Jake! They really helped to solidify this vessel as an epic ship in this series.

F/V Northwestern:

The best of the best. And that's the story of "Northwestern," It really brings a story to the world.

If you are thinking about "Deadliest Catch"! This ship is a true icon, There’s not only this legendary vessel. But you will also find this is the ship that everyone, every time. You’ll get the opportunity to check it out again and again, as the show goes from one season to the next, over the last 19 seasons.

  • What really sets this boat apart?
  • The captain is one who has become a symbol for fans - Sig Hansen!
  • It also showcases how important the concept of family is.
  • You'll also be sure to see the iconic crew, and the real stories behind how a family that makes their lives at sea.
  • One of the most intense, gripping, moments from the series! This was the event back in 2011!

Fans were really in the dark and uncertain! This happened after a truly scary accident, as his daughter, Mandy Hansen, had fallen off the side of the boat. Mandy Hansen really put on a performance when she came back onto the series.

Even more, you will notice a true story about those who never stop working at sea, those on the Northwestern.

  • It’s almost an iconic symbol in itself!
  • Its design! There's not another ship in the world with this combination! This classic boat. It's mostly white, but you'll notice this really great blue with some red on it as well. It also shows that you’ll never get the boat and this legendary Northwestern mixed up. The boat itself is impressive.
  • With 125 ft, making this a very, very big boat! It also has a ton of cargo as it can take 197 tons!

If you want an adventure or just an amazing, unforgettable ship to help fill up your screens! Check out the latest series of Deadliest Catch!

This show makes it very clear, there are some really talented people out there! They’ve done so much and keep going! Even though you might think "Deadliest Catch" is simply a show there is a heartbreaking realness to all these incredible stories about some really hard-working men and women who dedicate their lives to a difficult but thrilling craft!

And to think this all got started back in 2005! If you love stories, real-life events that make for really good tv. Deadliest Catch might be exactly the show you are searching for. This series makes it easy to get to know each crew on each of these amazing, unforgettable vessels and also some of the best ways for a fan to dive deeply into these unique personalities and their stories on the dangerous waters!

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