Jar Jar Binks was an unpopular character when the prequel trilogy first debuted. The quirky Gungan might be known as being rather clumsy.
But a famous fan theory emerged about his powers that might surprise you.
The theory is so compelling, because Jar Jar might have actually been a Sith Lord, using an over-the-top act, with clumsiness and naive behavior to avoid being caught up in this conspiracy.
In a twist, one that could really give viewers something to consider? The Gungan, a supposed bumbler! There is reason to believe he may be far from what fans originally thought and this could have led him to help a major force: the Empire!
This theory had some big support.
In some of the most recent episodes! There are moments, from earlier Star Wars movies that people started re-evaluating with all these new details!
The series Star Wars shows us a super villain! The series focused on Darth Vader but even with all the action in the world. Palpatine really does play the ultimate puppet master!
So, when you think about "Darth Jar Jar," what appears to make so much sense! Perhaps "Jar Jar, was helping Palpatine all along, maybe even acting to guide a specific person to greatness!
And to really drive this theory home, take a look back at the big Battle Of Naboo.
It seems he got involved but not only did he get involved, things somehow ended up being to his advantage!
Some might see these moments and consider them "random acts of chaos," or "dumb luck."
The events in "The Phantom Menace" could lead viewers to think these were not exactly "random." They were the acts of someone very well versed with manipulation!
A huge development that added to this wild fan theory was how he was appointed as a junior rep on Naboo, a pretty powerful, position. One that Jar Jar Binks never seemed suited for.
There is also a lot of information about the fact that Palpatine is just about as sneaky as they get.
In "Attack of The Clones", there is another big moment. A huge turn! It was here that we learned about how Jar Jar Binks actually gained power in the Senate! This seemed unbelievable as Jar Jar never looked or behaved like a powerful figure. However, some suspect that his influence helped lead to the rise of Palpatine to complete dominance over the Republic!
What really solidified this theory were the actions that Jar Jar had in the movie that ultimately pushed this forward, leading to "The Empire!"
If you're looking for the ultimate mastermind in "Star Wars," it looks as if Palpatine knew this moment was inevitable! Fans would certainly like to have their own beliefs. This theory might just turn the "Star Wars" universe upside down!
While we have gone into a big and exciting conspiracy theory for Jar Jar!
He may be capable of much more, even something as dramatic as a switch to the "light side"!
While many think the Gungan may have gotten away with being a villain, many people seem to suspect that Jar Jar was one of those villains that the Jedi couldn't get at! What made the change? Well, when The Empire had fallen! It appeared Jar Jar was seen back on Naboo and it's as if he gave up his evil ways!
A surprising turn of events, to think he just decided to help entertain those that may have seen his evil side! And all the damage that may have come to this world! Even better, in the latest "Star Wars", those that believe in this theory! They may just have more fuel to go with it.
It was even reported as something that had big implications when the movie was made!
This might really blow your mind! But those fans who enjoy getting lost in theory, they think this is true. It appears Jar Jar Binks, who might not have had so much in those films is now something truly memorable for a world, in need of some interesting conspiracy theory's to entertain.