Movies News Talk

Best Time Travel Movies & Shows: No Plot Holes Allowed!

Time travel is a super popular trope in Movies and TV, but let's be real – most of them have more plot holes than a Swiss cheese factory. But some shows and movies nail it, creating consistent, believable universes where messing with the timeline actually has consequences. Let's check out some of the best examples!

Time Travel Done Right:

These shows and films avoid the usual time-travel tropes and instead have logical consequences, stick to their rules, and (most importantly) don't have giant plot holes that ruin the whole thing. That means paradoxes make sense, timelines stay mostly consistent, and nothing feels too cheap or conveniently written just for a cool scene!

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Continuum (2012-2015):

Continuum 2012 Image

This Sci-fi show about folks from the future who pop back to the present to stop a catastrophe cleverly dodges plot holes. It follows a strict set of time travel rules, especially about that pesky "grandfather paradox" where screwing up the past drastically changes the future. Changes are permanent, and the stakes feel genuinely high. Plus, there's this neat limitation: no going back to the same moment twice! All this attention to detail means the show's time travel is really grounded.

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Back to the Future, Terminator, and Groundhog Day Image

Doctor Who has some episodes where they do great time travel. Others? They're kinda messy. This is not messy at all. “Blink” uses a cool “closed-loop” system. This one says what you see happening is the result of actions made from those same past characters, showing time has an effect of how you do things and that future things are dependent upon past things!

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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989):

Doctor Who Season 14 Poster Image

This 80's classic has fun with time travel without the high Sci-fi drama! Time is a bit bendy in their world, but self-correcting. While Bill and Ted mess things up slightly in the past, those very acts that ended up bringing change for the very best!

  • They visit tons of different historical time periods!
  • Including: 1,000,000 BC, 410 BC (Socrates), 1209 AD (Genghis Khan), 1429 (Joan of Arc), 1488 (Princesses Elizabeth and Joanna), 1805 (Napoleon Bonaparte), 1810 (Ludwig von Beethoven), 1863 (Abraham Lincoln), 1879 (Billy The Kid), 1901 (Sigmund Freud).
  • The pair make history as they visit time, meeting other memorable individuals who even become friends.

The way they interact and meet and how time is perceived makes this movie really well done and shows time isn't so rigid. It does show this concept of personal growth in a fun, super easy-to-follow, and very accessible way!

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Interstellar (2014):

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Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece uses real physics (like Einstein's theory of relativity) to ground its time travel story! It is actually pretty close to how our physics really work in a way that makes everything incredibly real. Time slows near big gravitational fields (like black holes). That time effect really gives an impression to what time travel could mean, making everything believable!

Primer (2004):

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This indie film goes deep, making the mechanics incredibly real! No big crazy gizmos here. It features a more low-budget way that time travel is explained making it appear realistic.

Looper (2012):

The survivors on the beach in Lost Image

This awesome thriller shows how messed-up time travel can be! In their future, time travel is only really useful for a violent and dangerous cause, where assassins can send others through time and back to be dealt with. It focuses less on technical details and instead on what happens to the people who are messing around in time and making this something very realistic, adding another cool take to the genre.

12 Monkeys (2015-2018):


This TV show knows that time isn't exactly tidy and doesn't try to "fix" time travel's problems. It gets at that confusing reality, acknowledging paradoxes, while highlighting time travel's mind-bending mental side effects.

12 Monkeys (1996):

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Based on a 1962 short film called La Jetée, this film shows time as unchangeable! They don't try to fix time in this film! Instead the show embraces the chaotic possibilities! Instead of relying too much on techy explanations they went into the human story!

Dark (2017-2020):

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This Netflix hit features some seriously messed up time loops that make it worth it! They don’t just show how time can cause you problems! Every little act has ripples, and the effect these actions have ripple through generations of family drama! It uses family connections to tell how things that happened a while ago will show themselves in a family!

Predestination (2014):

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Time travel here shows events that aren’t exactly avoidable! You'll be blown away with this film's closed loops where events are really destined, with the actors forced to play out roles and discover more. It adds some mind-bending twists.

These films and shows showcase how to make time travel fun and creative, with real stakes and consistent rules!

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