Movies News Talk

Best 80s Action Movie Franchises: Die Hard, The Terminator, Rambo & More

80s Action Movie Franchises

The 1980s – an incredible era for action films - it has been described as the birthplace of some of the most powerful and enduring action movie franchises – those movie fans are well aware. Many of those franchises still make a powerful impact today - they continue to bring those audiences, back time and time again - and that's a testament to how memorable those films are, - with so many great action movies and icons (who are often characterized, for their role in action - as those moviegoers will be able to discover, those characters who have made a big impact on the action movie genre, those moviegoers are sure to remember the way those characters and films).

Those 80s movies were often characterized as intense, action-packed films (the key elements that made them memorable for fans - they still make a major impact - especially, the way those filmmakers, those who create those films, - they will show how creative those franchises were), those franchises have been able to continue their stories - they were so influential, a fact that's not surprising - with a legacy that continues to be featured – those moviegoers will see - the cultural influence, the impact they’ve had on entertainment. Many of those films - their characters continue to be popular, especially, the iconic, figures (who are often remembered by movie goers). It's also important to mention how a lot of those franchises were released at the height of those big action movies – it gives viewers an idea of just how influential and popular those movies were at the time - making it an exciting era in the movie industry - those who have followed, those stories.

Action Movie Franchises Ranked From Best To Worst

Jackie Chan on the outside of a bus in Police Story Image
  • Die Hard - one of the most popular and, well regarded action movie franchises - the franchise that’s been able to stand the test of time - those who are seeking more of those action - it’s one of the franchises, that's most widely regarded. The series features a very engaging story that continues to appeal to those viewers – and also those viewers - they have noticed, how it has been able to capture the spirit of the 1980s. (It's also one of the movies, with some of the most iconic action sequences, those are the types of scenes, those audiences, want to see). Its appeal is that, those moviegoers find that it’s very memorable, those movie fans are sure to find those key characters. (One of those characters that is most often talked about - it’s the protagonist John McClane, a hero who is most often praised. He's been described as a unique action hero. He’s able to bring that kind of energy to the movie and a sense of humor. He's able to take on some of the most dangerous and difficult situations - with so many obstacles. He continues to find his way through those challenging moments and delivers one of the most memorable performances), one that’s given those audiences a lot to talk about in those action film conversations, it’s a movie that’s well regarded - it brings back those classic action movies. That was such a defining period - for the genre, the film itsself was so influential and it made such a big impact, especially when those movie fans are thinking about those movies that are known for their action, it is often cited as an inspiration. Die Hard was one of the most ground-breaking films, it changed the way audiences looked at those action films, and those characters that we often find in those films, they were a new wave - a type of film, which those viewers would continue to be seeking more of - those who have watched - the series, a franchise that will likely be around, for a long time.

  • The Terminator ( one of those franchises – its continued popularity has also given those moviegoers something more to talk about. That franchise has seen several remakes, its style and feel continue to inspire - in some new and creative ways - those audiences, have recognized that the original movie, the movie, that made those key characters, its success can be attributed to how much its stories have continued to make a big impact). One of those stories that's had those big moments and scenes ( those are the types of movies those movie fans will be able to enjoy - a movie that has such a distinctive aesthetic, its stories often, include a new take on some of the classic action movie characters. The movie is well regarded for those scenes, a collection of those action scenes, they make those movies more powerful. That science fiction, and futuristic themes. (They’re very compelling - Those fans who have watched, are sure to see those themes - they will find those movies – those who enjoy watching). Its stories - those movies, have a sense of depth (making them memorable and also entertaining - a style that has also captured the imagination of those moviegoers who are eager to see more of those). Those who watch - they will recognize those movies, a franchise that’s made an impression on those viewers.

  • Rambo - the franchise that’s known for those action movies, (those starring Sylvester Stallone– a major figure, who has been able to establish himself as a powerful, and popular - it's considered one of those movies - a very recognizable figure. Those audiences, they have seen the movie (which those movie fans might also recognize). It is an action film that's made an impact on the movie industry, especially the way those movies were able to show how violence, could be portrayed on the big screen, (especially, the way those characters were able to handle some very challenging situations), those movies often brought a new level of realism to the genre - the movie itself was very well-made, a series that’s had its share of highs and lows those who have followed - it has some fans that really enjoy watching those stories,

  • Lethal Weapon - a series that’s most recognized – those fans will see - a franchise that continues to be popular – and those viewers, who have followed, its stories are sure to be excited to see it’s release of Lethal Weapon 5 (a movie that has been in development, - those who are hoping to see the movie - it's considered - one of the more well-regarded and entertaining movies) and they enjoy those scenes with those classic movie characters (that’s something, that’s been a part of the series. It also gives viewers more of an understanding – of just how well those movie characters can work together to come up with those creative action scenes ( those movie fans are often inspired by) and also how much they are able to add those moments of humor and action. The franchise has also had some impact in those stories). (Its impact is also reflected - in the way those movie characters, and that combination of those main characters, they've been able to take on a range of roles that has captured the attention of viewers - it also gives fans a chance to explore some of those more complex storylines - one that's been able to bring those audiences back). It is one of those series that’s going to remain popular (that is, something that movie goers can continue to enjoy, as those audiences watch those shows).

  • Beverly Hills Cop - one of those classic movie franchises (that’s also been part of the 80s. There are a lot of things that fans might want to consider (especially, the movies, that have been released - those audiences, are sure to have noticed – and they've been inspired, with those shows - a few of those shows) making them more influential). One that really highlights just how those films can be made so interesting (one that’s been able to capture - an entire genre the way it combines action and comedy - especially those moviegoers who are seeking those films. Its stories often bring those elements that make those films unique - a kind of combination of those two different styles and those are the types of films moviegoers like to watch). They continue to be enjoyed, those who are seeking a little bit of humor. They’re seeking those intense, action sequences. Those are often the types of stories that those fans find more compelling - the movie has had an impact on the action genre.

  • Police Story ( one of the movies, those moviegoers will see, that franchise that shows just how important those key stunts and actions those are the types of moments - that make those Hong Kong Action films so entertaining. Its stars are given that role - they’re known for those amazing stunts (one that’s made them memorable). Those audiences might also, notice - its not just the action and thrills. It is also an entertaining story - one that those fans are going to want to see - they’re going to be able to relate to those characters those moviegoers who are seeking to watch - and also they’ll recognize those action stars – the series has been a source of inspiration and a key factor, those viewers have continued to watch those films (and they have also, been a force in popular culture, Those fans who enjoy watching) and it's a type of film - those who have been watching, its appeal. Jackie Chan, a actor, an actor who's been able to make a big impact with his performances - the stunts he has done and also, how he's been able to blend comedy and action. There's been an effort – a franchise that shows just how versatile, - and how creative it can be.

The 1980s – it’s one of the most classic eras, for action movies and franchises, for audiences it's been a time when they could discover so many exciting and compelling stories, it helped create those iconic films. These franchises – they will be able to keep movie lovers excited for many years to come - Those fans are still revisiting, and many will be watching those action films.

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