Movies News Talk

10 Horror Movies That Are Too Scary to Rewatch: Unforgettable But Unwatchable

Those Movies That Are Just Too Scary: 10 Films I'll Never Rewatch

It’s a well-known fact in the world of entertainment. Those horror movies - often those are the films that will leave audiences. In a state of fear, especially as those viewers watch those scenes - a sense of unease often creeps in - there’s a different kind of experience.

Those movies - sometimes they will give a sense of that thrill and also there’s something special. Some of the most intense scenes that might cause some to jump or maybe it will even be something more extreme.

What if, I told you about the movies - the ones that made me so uncomfortable I didn't want to see them again.

It happens, those movies - sometimes you'll have those experiences (that you really never want to have again), you might think about the movie itself – a movie that takes you through a lot of emotions, but the feeling that stays with you (sometimes those movies that leave such a strong, imprint - and a few that are so memorable). It will always make it hard for me to forget that movie - that special kind of horror - one that you can't forget. You’ll feel the chills, for weeks after that movie. There’s nothing quite like those movies - the ones that are so good, but you’d rather not see it again, as they tend to be one of those movies - the ones that will make you want to skip the whole genre - for some time.

The Human Centipede – Is It Too Far?

Ashley C. Williams as Lindsay with her mouth sealed in The Human Centipede (First Sequence) Image

Those films, like The Human Centipede (the movie that's made a big splash), for me - this particular film. There’s just too much. A movie that deals with the most extreme topics, but for those who follow that genre, you're likely to understand. It's also, been met with a lot of criticism - especially from the point of view. It goes beyond, that level of acceptability - where it crosses the line - a film that doesn't pull its punches - a bold move. In which case, it’s clear, the director Tom Six ( an avant-garde director – a unique voice). A bold film, a director who is always willing to push those limits and his fans have always been aware, of that.

A Classic Tale: Ringu – Does It Have Those Jumps?

Close-up of Sadako's eye in Ringu (1998) Image

There's that movie. Those who follow the horror genre and the Japanese films - often, these are some of those, very creative and exciting movies – one that gives a lot of thought - with some terrifying and intense scenes - that make the movie stand out.

It may be one of those movies that you'll find hard to watch more than once - The Ring - this movie, it made an impact – that was so real, it was so immersive, so effective and so believable - for those who've watched the American version of the movie – it's one that’s made its mark, those who enjoy Japanese Horror and how they tell those stories and they take those themes, to the next level with a new level of intensity and sometimes, even a bit of that surrealness, in a way that makes it even more disturbing. It's also one of those movies - that fans will want to talk about - and it will bring back those memories that are so vivid (a movie that will stay with you for a while).

Does Lars von Trier Have That Unique Style?

Ringu 1998 Movie Poster Image

Lars von Trier - one that’s been so interesting - those movie goers, who have seen a lot of his work - they will find some very intense movies - especially for those viewers who have been introduced to his work - there’s a different feel. This director makes films that often focus on emotional content - those movies are really interesting - they can leave an impact. That can be very strong - one that will leave audiences disrupted. He also makes a statement and his movies are often controversial - they've had a big influence, a director who always is pushing those boundaries, he's been doing that for many years, so, if you have not watched any of his movies - those fans - might want to check out some of his films, like The House That Jack Built (a movie that’s filled with intense imagery and it is a story about a serial killer - this movie it is very well done and has all of those elements that make a horror movie very appealing, but those who’ve watched that movie - they might find that its also a movie that’s hard to watch again - you're likely going to be feeling it – that intense feeling and those visuals. In a gruesome way - that's how this film is.

Does The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Still Give Those Chills?

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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (it’s one of those movies that are very powerful – its influence - on the genre is so big. That was the inspiration for so many films - that genre has come to rely on. Those viewers – the fans are likely to have seen the slasher films.

Those who have watched that classic horror film, one that’s become a major part of the genre. Its been part of that cultural history – a movie that has spawned several movies, there’s also, those spin offs, a remake - fans who have watched all of those films - that’s made up the entire series - one that's still popular and will always stay relevant and popular. Those viewers can expect to see – an intense story and some very gruesome scenes (those scenes might cause some discomfort) – this movie has made an impact. You’re going to have that sense of fear and a bit of a chilling feeling after you watch the movie – one that will be remembered.

Those Nuclear Wars – Can They Make Us More Anxious?

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With Threads, you find an interesting concept - in the realm of movies – the concept, of nuclear wars (those stories that are so intense – and terrifying), that is such an important topic and its something that’s also been covered in other films - an idea that's given us pause - it makes it feel real – especially if we look back to the history - a history that’s been very important – its been part of our lives. It could be one of those movies – where its set in the 80s (at the heart of the Cold War - its something that’s been relevant), that's what makes the movie – it’s set in a particular context - a specific period of time - one that may bring back a lot of memories for those who are old enough to remember that period.

Does Lars von Trier’s Antichrist Bring Up Those Themes?

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Lars von Trier - a director who’s not afraid to go there (that’s why he's such an interesting filmmaker) he takes those themes - and explores those stories, one that's not for everyone – a movie that often deals with themes – some that are so extreme, this particular movie - Antichrist, its a movie that will challenge, and also a movie that could disturb viewers, a story that's focused on how the human psyche (and it’s also about those, intense experiences - those traumas that are hard to shake). He gives those themes such an important place.

Those movie fans – they're going to be faced with some very hard hitting visuals – an intense movie, with those kinds of visuals.

But there are also some movies that have that special kind of imagery - which you could call surreal. That makes those movies – a movie that you really never forget - you’ll think about it, and those films will also be able to draw the audience in and give those movie goers a new perspective, they give those fans some interesting visual moments (but sometimes). It is too much to watch again - one that could leave a powerful impact - a movie that really stays with you for some time.

What Movies Are The Most Disturbing To Watch?

the house that jack built movie Image

Begotten, this particular movie - a very interesting and very well made, a silent horror movie - that’s something. It has been around for quite a long time, but those who enjoy that particular movie – you could say it's a very compelling experience that can give you, chills and give viewers a very strange, unnerving feel - its been recognized as one of those films. Those fans are going to be aware that there are some films - that are considered “true art.”

Can Cannibal Holocaust Be Rewatched?

The House That Jack Built (2018) - Poster - Matt Dillon & Bruno Ganz Image

It may be a movie that many people are not able to watch, but it is considered an important film in the horror genre, one that has had a cultural impact, its been covered by the media – a lot of coverage (that movie will leave you disturbed), and a movie - it will stay with you - one that is sure to be very challenging – and also it’s been criticized for some of its content - those scenes are very intense.

Is Martyrs Worth Watching?

Leatherface chasing a pickup truck in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Image

That movie – Martyrs one that’s been a movie that gives you, those shocking, scenes that are filled with gore - those moviegoers are likely to be disturbed - those who see this movie, will find a movie that is a very hard - to watch movie – its also a very important movie in the horror genre. Those viewers can discover its not just, those violent scenes. The story – a tale about revenge – this is what makes the movie more intense and compelling.

Will The Exorcist Stay Relevant?

Leatherface from the Texas Chain Saw, The Hills Have Eyes and Michael Myers from Halloween. (1) Image

One of those classics that's been around, for quite some time - The Exorcist, a horror classic - a movie that will continue to inspire new movies and that's the beauty, of that genre - those movies are so powerful - they are still popular and will always continue to be.

This movie will also be able to hold the attention of new generations. They’re going to find this movie - with its special impact - one that will be remembered as those movie fans who have watched the movies in that series, those moviegoers have been following, the series for so long, but it is a very unique story, a movie that’s been highly successful.

Those who have seen those movies - are often interested to find out more, about the films - that have inspired the latest horror movies - and how those directors (those movie directors) those who have brought those films to life. That’s making those films, that much more interesting to the audience.

It's clear, when a movie is so powerful and it can also leave those movie goers, it's also a movie that is very much, a film that’s filled with those moments - the ones that you will always remember. You’ll have those scenes that are embedded – in your brain - as those fans, of horror films might agree.

It’s an interesting concept to think about those movies that you might avoid watching. But the thought of that particular movie - will make you want to check out. But that may also be those movies - that are so good you want to see them again (for that special kind of experience. Even when, you’ve already seen them before) it is possible to feel those emotions, again – its like, revisiting an old friend – its a feeling that can make a movie more enjoyable - that sense of being immersed in those films – a journey to a different world. Even if you are aware - that the movie is fiction.

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