Movies News Talk

10 Horror Movie Endings That Will Haunt Your Dreams

We all know those scary Movies that might not make sense but then when you reach the end... It all clicks! Well, those are the ones that leave an impact!

id="horrifying-movie-endings-to-watch-out-for">Horrifying Movie Endings To Watch Out For:

It is no wonder people love to watch horror flicks, sometimes they just bring us to the edge of our seats, and sometimes they take things to a truly epic degree of madness! So if you are looking for some truly fantastic, iconic horror movie endings, these picks might make you think long after they're done.

Also Read: Stephen King's Favorite Horror Movies: Must-Watch Spooky Flicks

The Visit

Deanna Dunagan as Nana The Visit Nana screaming Yahtzee Image

Director M. Night Shyamalan is back! Fans may not always like his work, however, this was considered a true return to form! You've got the two main characters. It was an ordinary day as these two youngsters got a chance to stay with their grandparents.

They head out on a road trip! What seems normal, turns out, has some shocking events taking place.

  • What turns out to be super scary was that the grandparents they thought they met? Well, it was never them. The story changes, the grandparents were fakes!

It gives you this terrifying element. It all ends in this rush to get out of this awful, nightmarish location but what comes with that are even more unsettling events.

Also Read: Body Horror Films Inspired By David Cronenberg: A Guide To Twisted Cinema

Sleepaway Camp

Angela Baker discovered after killing Paul in Sleepaway Camp Image

Slasher films are a true treat for many horror movie fans. This might seem a bit standard and the idea is something you've likely seen, but with a wild twist ending!

  • The main character of this film is an incredibly lonely, timid young girl who tries so hard to fit in!
  • A strange string of murders takes place!

What makes the show's ending so epic is the twist. What we see is that the girl. In fact, is not a girl, and it's revealed to be a boy! What happened to him? He lost his sibling. His sister to an accident.

  • It changes how you see the entire movie!

The iconic images really made "Sleepaway Camp" one of the best slashers.

Also Read: Fight Club Quotes: Why Tyler Durden's Words Still Resonate

The Mist:

The Mist (2007) David Drayton’s devastating choice at the end Image

Stephen King, known for his incredible writing. This series comes from his works!

  • The characters get trapped. As this big cloud of mist rolls through their town, a terrifying creature is out in the fog, ready to pick off people as they go. This is an iconic scene.
  • The characters try to escape this terrifying threat.

This adaptation has some pretty big changes! But makes for a terrifying moment. You will not forget this! The man of this film, his vehicle runs out of fuel! He finds himself in a scary situation that will lead to this big moral dilemma and will also leave viewers feeling uncomfortable as they question their values.

  • He finds that the best thing to do for the sake of survival is to make the toughest decision!
  • It turns out his act of bravery is wasted, and we are left with a very downer, heavy ending! It really brings home what a devastating event it could be, that this creature gets to keep doing terrible acts!
Also Read: Stephen King's Stanley Hotel Stay: Inspiration for 'The Shining'?


James McAvoy as Barry in therapy looking menacing in Split Image

M. Night Shyamalan is back in the mix again, with yet another iconic thriller that's an unforgettable film experience for the fans!

He really knows how to surprise! You see in this movie we get an actor known for a truly powerful, multilayered performance. It is no surprise to anyone that James McAvoy delivers and is such a talented, unique performer.

You get a look at what happens as James McAvoy's character struggles with the real-world events as he navigates different alter personalities, some of whom might want to harm those who cross them.

  • What this series really shows off, is a truly amazing set of skills that these "characters" possess
  • As well as this very terrifying personality that may be truly terrifying to audiences, making the film super interesting!

A film that fans love!

  • In one of the film's major scenes, audiences get a shock with an impressive twist and we learn that this movie isn't a stand-alone event.
  • Fans will remember, this all has to do with another film.
  • The iconic "Unbreakable" that ties to make this into something larger!
id="death-proof">Death Proof Death Proof ending Image

The latest entry for our scary picks is by the legend, Quentin Tarantino! He gave us such a fun twist for fans!

  • The movie, which came out, back in 2007
  • The series takes a bold approach in horror! You won't want to miss how the story goes down!
  • "Death Proof," gives you a classic killer in a new way as a man with a car and a bad habit to run people down as a dangerous driver!
  • The victims start showing up.

It really has a twist and those who want to be thrilled for a long period! Fans who may be ready for the film's last half to really make the experience special. There are some major car chases. With those chases comes a great change-up for how those in this movie finally decide to handle this crazy villain and deliver this classic, satisfying ending that only Quentin Tarantino can really do!

id="identity"> Identitya poster for Identity (2003) Image

Fans of thriller, who love murder mystery stories may be excited. The genre seems to combine all sorts of cool movie moments for the ultimate suspense!

"Identity" may not be as cool, in its initial moments, and may give a few big scares for audiences, with those interesting twist endings. We have all sorts of strangers together!

  • This takes them on this strange trip and sets the tone! That sense of dread comes in as they start getting picked off one-by-one and now they're in this desperate battle for survival.
  • There's something else that "Identity" does!
  • They bring us the twist!
  • That is what sets "Identity" apart. You have a really cool shocking conclusion that turns everything on its head! In this instance, you have someone, someone so unexpected. Who's truly behind all these murders!
id="scanners">Scanners:Stephen Lack in Scanners. Image

"Scanners," another one of David Cronenberg's best, It gives audiences such a wild and chaotic style in a truly intense way, a visual thrill for the ages!

Fans get a sense of what this is about right away! You get to see "Scanners," people with incredibly unusual psychic abilities!

They are put to work for an individual and start taking on some crazy tasks! We see this all in ConSec as an amazing new technology and is part of this massive battle, the war for ultimate power. There's a new twist in this film as the story really starts to unfold! It gives us a true family battle. In one of the final moments we find out, in the series!

  • Cameron was really part of an extended family!
  • These two brothers who had an unbelievable ability, thanks to their father!
id="the-vanishing"> The Vanishing:Saskia and Rex sitting in a car in The Vanishing (1988) Image

If you want something truly intense. Here's your movie! A truly eerie "thriller" from "Dutch" filmmakers.

It really looks like The Vanishing, in all its glory! This film tells us the most heartbreaking stories.

  • We've got Rex and Saskia going to the best, beautiful location that might be the start of something truly haunting.
  • As we go through this, the film has a twist! This all stems from one individual.
  • He is truly evil and sinister and really shows why this movie is so heart-wrenching!

A big moment in the film! It gives the main character, Rex, a true gut punch and the depiction leaves everyone feeling as if they are caught in a similar terrifying experience.

id="life"> LifeHiroyuki Sanada's Sho stares at Calvin in terror from Life 2017 Image

"Life" really is a super tense science fiction story. Fans will remember the classic horror stories from movies like "Alien" and John Carpenter's The Thing.

What was amazing about Life? The way the astronauts were stuck in the middle of space. This is where a super creepy alien gets to come into the story. But, what they really discover.

It's going to be a horrific fight to keep humanity alive. The ending, and all those twists are truly amazing!

  • There's this alien and an attempt to launch it into space.
  • They think this will bring peace.
  • But the twist ends up turning that entire thought process on its head, it's really unsettling!
id="the-human-race"> The Human Race Angel from The Human Race 2013 Image

If you haven't seen this, it might just be one of those classic films you might not have watched, but deserves a big round of applause!

  • We've got 80 people, from the looks of it! These people wake up to some super freaky situations.

You're stuck in a strange place, and there are odd rules as a creepy voice announces the "human race," where they are placed in a unique and terrifying competition. There is a battle! And the twist?

  • The only survivor has a challenge to face, one where his survival is threatened by an out-of-this-world beast.
  • There's some humor as well!
  • This super unlikely protagonist, gives audiences something wild to witness and an incredible finale! This makes "The Human Race" one of the best twists for movie fans!

There's no shortage of terrifying movie moments! We can certainly say that horror Movies give us some epic endings. But the real question is what's next in store? You can certainly dive into all of these and give a taste of how movies can captivate viewers.

Some may seem a bit ordinary, and those with the biggest twists are ones to look out for and will continue to generate great interest. For any movie fans looking to expand their genre of choices, this is one place to start.

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