Hey there, fellow musical lovers! Let's ditch the stuffy "top 10" lists and have some fun talking about songs from movie musicals . I'm obsessed with movie musicals, and what makes this article so unique is the fact that there isn't merely one definitive answer or definitive rankings for this. Everyone loves a different set of tunes. So this discussion has far more room to really make itself stand out than just listing things arbitrarily and robotically
Most articles out there try to rank these best songs from movie musicals , but music is so subjective – your favorite song is completely different from what another person's is. This becomes interesting: We're going to celebrate some diverse styles of music – from big showstoppers to quiet moments which touch your heart in their own particular ways. Also, considering that not all songs in musicals convey a core aspect of a narrative is crucial too! Songs have been written for many different reasons and to achieve many diverse styles within its general structure.
To fully appreciate that, we'll be making this different from any existing attempts made by critics.
What's brilliant about movie musicals, and about this specific genre, is the massive variety within musical genres and themes used – This really makes it engaging and extremely rewarding.
Consider the range of emotions these best movie musical numbers cover, and how their tones are conveyed through multiple different songs: From upbeat and joyous dance numbers to soul-wrenching ballads, heart-stopping anthems, dramatic scores, emotional displays using solo pieces – There’s no genre missing at all – and it continues to surprise. No matter how familiar those themes, concepts or topics within such an immense catalogue already released, every time something new appears some will be blown away by some musical piece they couldn’t imagine or had no expectations for in any of their prior releases
A deeper consideration, one which makes me want to explore even more and discuss these specific aspects further: Consider some thematic explorations involving gender identity; for several movie musicals that make conscious efforts to incorporate or reflect social movements which impacted and continue impacting society (and those will vary over time) you'll notice this incredible range that’s been presented with various musical arrangements – It is an enormously deep catalogue!
Let's talk about the Forgotten bops, because the classics get a ton of attention but some underrated songs might completely outshine even the major titles - What are some really well performed but completely under appreciated or forgotten tracks you enjoy so much? That is one discussion that will probably never run short of ideas – these could easily encompass many decades! Many themes, variations within music and various related aspects are covered – From individual actors, composers or specific directors – many aspects that impacted that overall musical creation come to discussion in this type of analyses! Even these relatively lesser known musical tracks offer remarkable depth; you won’t ever cease finding unexpected favorites and discovering many undiscovered artists involved in multiple production work and efforts
These have an important characteristic; even lesser known musical pieces offer such intense charm and appeal – and usually the level of quality involved is amazing; That only surprises more.
What I find fascinating is digging into older movie musicals and finding forgotten treasures which make them even better and highlight even additional production details and insights. They really create surprises – that impact even how these songs are created! Some techniques make them even better! The evolution of musical styles, even considering different recording methodologies or ways of crafting those music instruments only enhances one’s appreciation
Ultimately, the beauty of songs from movie musicals lies in its incredible diversity and its subjective value to every viewer. There's no single “right” answer or any correct listing to that effect. What's incredible, however, is how those smaller elements or details involving technical production, or specific storytelling techniques all blend seamlessly throughout a genre so extremely wide and which encompasses such different artistic approaches; that should easily excite anyone involved in producing, marketing and even enjoying those kind of cinematic performances , as a genre as a whole!