DC Comics has launched another take on the classic Watchmen graphic novel, a bold animated film adaptation!
This new adaptation takes its inspiration from Alan Moore's original work and focuses on the stories that originally appeared in the graphic novel! Previous adaptions have focused on Watchmen 1985 (Watchmen film) and explored an alternate timeline 34 years later (Watchmen miniseries). You will find plenty of reviews about these films, along with how the graphic novel and each film compares!
The film, Watchmen Chapter 1, focuses on Rorschach, as he explores the mysterious murder of his former comrade, The Comedian. He soon finds himself investigating a wider conspiracy in a world filled with masked vigilantes.
It's an amazing Watchmen cast that will transport you to the heart of the Watchmen universe! Check out the list:
The movie takes a slightly different route when it comes to its style of animation. It incorporates a cel-shaded 3D animation style! Fans might recognize this style from past projects, particularly from Batman Ninja. If you are familiar with those styles, you will find it intriguing! It also maintains the classic, unique tone from the original Watchmen graphic novel!
This new movie will likely deliver some of the same core plot points. Watchmen Chapter 1 review points out that it maintains the same narrative flow as its predecessors. However, it doesn't necessarily stray too far, which may make it feel less fresh for those who have seen the other adaptions.
While Warner Bros. has a focus on creating great animated adaptions of its DC Comic storylines, this is still in the works! To date, there is no official Watchmen movie series available! But keep an eye out, because you might soon find Watchmen streaming or Watchmen download options, in time to enjoy the latest take on the classic graphic novel.