Headlining Netflix's newest action thriller, Trigger Warning (2024), directed by Mouly Surya, is Jessica Alba. Following former Special Forces commando Parker as she comes home to look at her father's unexplained death while facing a vicious gang and her ex-boyfriend's corrupt family, the movie shows her.
Trigger Warning's execution falls short even if its message about political corruption and racial tensions in rural America is strong. The first scene of the movie, which presents Middle Eastern people as terrorists in a clichéd manner, is a startling and needless inaccuracy. It's a lost chance to define Parker's character without using damaging clichés.
Trigger Warning gains from Surya's deft direction even with the script's flaws. Her cool head and Zoë White's photography produce a visually striking environment. The color scheme of the movie and well placed shots improve the emotional weight and suspense of the narrative.
Still, the script is eventually what brings down the movie. The dialogue is uninspiring; the villains lack originality and depth; and the action scenes vary in quality. The pace of the movie suffers as well; it drags out its story and causes slowness. Trigger Warning ultimately battles to deliver the powerful and exciting action thriller it dreams to be.
Alba delivers some quite realistic battle scenes in Trigger Warning, showcasing her action ability. The script falls short in giving her character enough richness or nuance, though. Although the movie tries to produce an engaging female-led actioner, Alba's performance suffers from its dependence on cliches and formulaic devices.
Although Anthony Michael Hall and Gabriel Basso give strong performances, the film's poor writing keeps them from really shining. Although Alba and Basso have obvious connection, the movie finally seems to be a lost chance to highlight Alba's skills.
Targeting significant issues of corruption and racial injustice, Trigger Warning is a well-meaning action thriller. But its dependence on slow-paced storytelling, worn-out clichés, and lack of innovation makes the movie disappointing. Alba's action moments are fun, but her acting suffers finally in the film's faults. The picture lacks a fulfilling and unforgettable cinematic experience even with its thematic intent.
Netflix now shows Trigger Warning. Returning home to look into the unexplained death of her father, Special Forces commando Parker (Jessica Alba) investigates. She discovers a network of corruption, challenges a dangerous group, and confronts her history as she probes further.