The Becomers: A Unique Horror Comedy Movie
Are you looking for a strange, new take on the alien invasion, combined with body snatchers? Then you might enjoy "The Becomers," a Blundering Horror Comedy film, with some alien romance, as a twist. This film The Becomers 2024 may spark an interest for those seeking controversial film or even a look at experimental film. Here are some things to keep in mind when diving into the strange world of "The Becomers"!
What Is The Plot of The Becomers Movie?
Two aliens decide to visit our planet and must switch bodies to blend in. They encounter all sorts of things and quickly learn that adjusting to modern America satire can be tough, particularly if your body doesn't cooperate! In The Becomers, they also discover the complexity and, frankly, The Becomers dark humor of what humans get up to! It's sure to be a The Becomers unique film for any movie fan.
Who Made This Unique Movie?
If you are curious about the The Becomers director and writer, that is Zach Clark, who also edited this The Becomers movie.
Who Stars In the Movie?
You will find an impressive cast with a strong lead. If you are looking to see who made the movie, be sure to check for The Becomers cast.
Will This Movie Get Awards?
With many things happening in The Becomers film from aliens and romance to strange moments that make up The Becomers themes. You could look forward to seeing some unique choices from The Becomers awards season.
What Are The Critics Saying?
As a newer indie release, the initial buzz around The Becomers has a variety of thoughts. Look at online sources such as reviews and comments that discuss The Becomers Review, along with sites that give insight into The Becomers Rotten Tomatoes to get a better feel of the public reaction to this horror comedy.
Where Can I See the The Becomers?
"The Becomers" hit theaters and Video on Demand (VOD) on September 24th, 2024! This could lead to a boom in interest in The Becomers on VOD, so be sure to check streaming services! Or find where you can watch in theaters via your local movie guide!