Movies News Talk

Hold Your Breath Movie Review: Is It Scary? Find Out Here!

Horror films that delve into the psychological are a genre with a rich, unique history that often delves into the dark recesses of the human mind. This film takes on some key concepts but doesn't deliver what it promised!

Hold Your Breath Review:

Hold Your Breath, a horror movie starring Sarah Paulson, is one that you have to check out! It stars a super well-known actress and she really has some of her best moments but unfortunately it seems, the movie didn't turn out to be a memorable hit!

The Dust Bowl Horror:

Younger Elliot and older Elliot sit together over a campfire in My Old Ass Image

Hold Your Breath attempts to get audiences really invested. It looks at 1933 as the period where Margaret (played by Paulson) attempts to bring her two children Rose, and Ollie to safety, but she's going through something terrible at this time - a dark, deep, grief! She finds herself becoming more and more unstable and those fears make her unpredictable. The powerful Dust Bowls that raze this small farming town are something viewers can see throughout the movie and it gives you a real sense that something bad is about to happen! The film does a good job of highlighting this incredible setting! It adds this layer of uncertainty that helps make "Hold Your Breath" such a haunting story, but unfortunately, it misses the mark in a lot of other areas!

Too Many Plot Lines!

Hold Your Breath Official Poster Image

There are just too many ideas and not all of them work together to form this special moment in horror.

  • The movie attempts to mix family drama
  • horror
  • psychological thriller!

While Paulson's character seems to ground the story, you are likely to wonder if she can carry the movie, as some fans have noted that the film has only a few real scary scenes!

With its confusing, almost strange story line! Even as we're given a view into "Margaret's" world you can't help but be pulled in. Even the dust, doesn't come together to create anything new for the series!

There were still a few strong moments that helped bring this film together!

It gave viewers an awesome perspective on Margaret and it showed just how troubled this character really is. While she had desperate moments of trying to be there for her children. Even the movie had tension when the daughter and mother fought and really added something real and intense to the movie.

The Issues:

A film about family drama and intense emotions can't just fall apart because of those complex characters! "Hold Your Breath" seems to try hard and might feel a bit too much. These are three really big elements, all put together with such little focus that you may think something was missing.

Even as the movie comes to a close you'll still wonder what was going to happen! And if it can give viewers anything. Hold Your Breath had so many ideas but not a chance to carry them all forward.

The main characters were more compelling! It was not enough to make this a true hit as they all lacked the proper development. Hold Your Breath does try to set the scene well but ultimately doesn't move the narrative forward.

The gray man that seemed to be such a scary concept fell flat.

Overall Hold Your Breath might not be the scariest movie you've ever watched! Even the time is super important, the year "1933", that doesn't deliver.

If you have seen this film. It seems the biggest disappointment might be how long it all took to get through this. If a movie has some strong moments and it looks like a potential winner, that's always going to bring excitement to fans but it was ultimately not enough to keep things together.

A real opportunity for a powerful film with an all-star cast and such a interesting storyline! The story that was missing, may not be able to come back. However, for all those fans who are searching for new horrors films, the series does provide some truly tense moments, and may leave audiences uncomfortable as they ponder if "Hold Your Breath can redeem itself! There's always another Hulu release out there. And a plethora of great horror flicks as well!

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