Culpa Tuya or Your Fault premieres on Prime Video on December 27 which continues story following the popular initial film Culpa Mía or My Fault. Director Domingo González confirms his work on third part Culpa Nuestra scheduled for 2025 making statements about the future movie’s high quality. This series by Amazon MGM Studios and Pokeepsie Films from Banijay Iberia continues the relationship with actors Nicole Wallace and Gabriel Guevara as main characters.
Domingo González stated that often sequels fail to reach quality standards of the original film; however in this series it is exactly opposite, as viewers believe Culpa Tuya is superior and many early audiences believe third part of series called Culpa Nuestra to be even better. This series deviates from common trends of sequel performances being lesser as new information has developed prior to December 27 premiering demonstrating that series may gain new popularity from higher viewer review s. The positive responses also suggests that Culpa Nuestra, which arrives in 2025, has huge potential for success among all movie fans.
The creative team created all the movie plots before first film release which prevented many issues often created when planning a movie franchise. Domingo González initially directed first movie before also collaborating with Sofía Cuenca to create second and third films of the series which enhanced consistency and creativity among trilogy. This careful approach has resulted in positive fan response in advance of viewing for second installment while showing promising outlook for final conclusion. Mercedes Ron's book Culpables has seen incredible sales on Wattpad and has created strong fandom before first film was even conceived.
Culpa Mía's success in its opening weekend included high ratings on Prime Video ’s top ten listing across 190 regions including U.S. United Kingdom Australia India France and many more with a strong performance even during international film releases. This level of success resulted in highest international ratings from Prime Video confirming the YA genre including Maxton Hall, Germany has become huge popularity among international audiences. González stated expectations for success was mainly in Spain and potentially Mexico but the global response across places like India Indonesia and South Korea among many surprised movie executives.
The director Domingo González was first contacted by Pokeepsie principals Alex de la Iglesia and Carolina Bang which are producers who also had book options with Mercedes Ron. González soon after developing some ideas wrote full script that convinced executives with Amazon Prime after they were impressed by initial scripts. González wrote the original first script and then moved over with Sofía Cuenca to begin production for series making use of her knowledge of scripts. Culpa Mía screenplay is regarded a significant step for movie creation by producer executives.
Culpa Tuya premiere recently took place at Palacio Vistalegre Arena in Madrid with 4000 attendees made up of movie fans and many social influencers. This large turnout illustrates the enormous support base among fans that follow each installment carefully while also creating anticipation about next movie called Culpa Nuestra expected in 2025. Domingo González has also said the film includes a balance of humour and action to broaden appeal.
González describes the film’s screenplay adaption adding humor as well as intensifying the action and love with the story elements . Domingo González also shared that the first film was intentionally crafted to showcase the experience of first love with universal feeling which connects to young audience. He emphasized the dialog aimed to be for adults to provide respect towards younger viewing demographics. The creative intent of this was to move beyond the standard YA films that tend to treat young audiences in condescending manner to allow more mature characters in the plot lines .
Domingo González stated that this generation has much depth that needed representation which lead to the movie characters development. Characters from Culpa Tuya show more maturity compared to previous roles in prior series movie along with challenges with a adult complexity that viewers should connect with. The screenwriter for Culpables trilogy worked around strong fan opinions on previous works and decided to make minor adjustments within screenplay to connect better to established audiences .
Domingo González noted in many interviews creating second film's script required working around several controversial situations from the books with multiple fans having strong opinions that were voiced on different social media like TikTok Instagram prior to production. Some important storyline changes occurred by director and screenwriter team which also remained consistent to main narrative elements while respecting key concerns expressed through online channels. Those changes also included alterations in many characters’ arcs based on what seemed to have best appeal among viewers .
In addition to series success English-language version called Culpa Mia- My Fault London is currently being produced showing the huge popularity of YA film. Prime Video maintains continued working relationship with Mercedes Ron who has another series currently in development, “Dímelo Bajito” or “Tell Me Softly,” providing her books even further platform.