Culpa Tuya also titled Your Fault a sequel to Culpa Mia released on Prime Video continues the romance story starring Nicole Wallace as Noah and Gabriel Guevara as Nick. The movie series began with Culpa Mia in 2023 becoming the most-watched non-English language movie in the Prime Video history with the new sequel trending to the same high ranking on a global scale. Culpa Tuya has now taken the top spot on Prime Video in several countries even in Canada demonstrating continuing interest in this Spanish series.
Culpa Mía shows how Noah and Nick start a relationship as they develop from step-siblings to lovers ending with Noah’s kidnapping by her father. Culpa Tuya sees many additional conflicts after all that dramatic buildup to now including Noah at university plus Nick in San Francisco as he tries to move away from the illegal racing scene. Their parents trying to keep them separated and the introduction of new characters including a new roommate with a past connection with Nick all drive their relationship challenges in the series . The characters show that there are added complications and complexities with time.
Nick deals with internal isolation during Culpa Tuya that creates additional layers of complexities that was added in the development of the character arc throughout the story. Gabriel Guevara who plays Nick told Yahoo Canada through an interview that he is very grateful with the way the character evolution allowed Nick to face his personal issues which he was initially running away from in past relationships. Guevara also explains how the story highlights Nick's personal development and shows him becoming a better version for himself by having him dealing with the past trauma and to resolve current personal issues.
The novel series The Cupables has a global fan base due to themes of passion crime and drama. The Book Series has sold over 2 million copies with over 100 million reads on Wattpad further confirming its wide scale popularity beyond just Spain. Mercedes Ron the author told interviewers that she has been happy with the success and how well her novels are reaching all demographics however admits being truly surprised of the large global success, yet acknowledges trust she had on her own story lines when composing her books. The novels speak directly to young adults by giving validation to complex feelings and personal challenges through the character development which is lacking from other YA focused properties.
Ron writes for young adults and connects specifically well with her readership while showcasing respect for their points of view and providing agency for the struggles facing them in life as that is one of the common themes in “The Cupables” novel trilogy. The series created much more awareness and accessibility within international film and book lovers circles worldwide after both films. The "Culpa Nuestra” also named Our Fault set to release on Prime Video sometime in 2025 will conclude series based on “The Cupables” novels alongside "Dímelo" another property from Ron already under production . The large scope of Mercedes Ron adaptations proves that Prime Video sees the high commercial and story telling value her properties offer globally among many viewers from different locations.
Domingo González the director and writer for Culpa Tuya promised the quality improves in this movie compared to the hit original “Culpa Mía” . Gonzales worked in conjunction with writer Sofia Cuenca on this new project plus for the planned next sequel that releases in 2025 which allows for consistent continuity of creative perspective in the ongoing trilogy. Gonzales notes that fan anticipation will be met based on feedback showing higher quality story and performance from all actors on this new film production with the upcoming film "Culpa Nuestra" anticipated to be of even better production than its prior counterparts.
The production for the films took a strategic process with later installments being composed prior to the initial release of the original movie. The Spanish films are produced by Pokeepsie Films which is a component of Banijay Iberia in conjunction with Amazon MGM Studios which shows the importance these projects have among multiple larger and smaller companies working together for its global success. The popularity of Culpa Mía on Prime Video showcases how Prime is also exploring all various avenues for global content creation that connects directly with target audiences on a international scale with more creative development happening all over Europe and Latin America among other places that are developing series with the goal of global attention for Prime Video.
The Culpa Mia book series has also earned The New York Times best seller label while having over 3 million copies sold and also over 100 million reads on Wattpad confirming a huge reach by Mercedes Ron’s initial production work. The initial Culpa Mia movie ranked among Prime Video's top 10 titles in over 190 countries during release week including in U.S. U.K Australia and India proving its broad and massive reach from various territories and cultures. It also is considered Prime Video’s top international original movie to date . The strong popularity for YA focused entertainment is present and also confirmed with Maxton Hall which became top performer on German based Prime content in recent days. Culpa Mía succeeds in the international film circuits more broadly than just its initial target Spanish audience which is very high performance compared to prior Prime offerings within similar demographic groups from other regions proving a truly universal draw.
Director González developed his role from taking notes to actively scripting with a team after the film rights were optioned by Álex de la Iglesia and Carolina Bang from Pokeepsie Films. Gonzalez's work was also supported by Amazon Prime with their immediate agreement on his script after presenting the project for development. Culpa Nuestra release date not confirmed at this point is already completed while the Culpa Tuya premiere included more than 4000 fans and influencers during the Palacio Vistalegre Arena event in Madrid confirming a strong fan dedication to this global series from multiple sources. The movie director also states humor is prioritized along with very amplified action in the screen adaptation where original dialogue is more suited for an adult audience while maintaining the passion based stories already familiar with Mercedes Ron fans creating unique blends for both new viewers and fans alike.
González states the production team always intended that YA content does not need to be overly childish and should represent the sophisticated and emotionally aware audience they try to cater towards which many often overlooked. This goal also aligns the main story which prioritizes themes like first love and emotional complexities in a very universal format that resonates with different cultures on a global scale as seen with the diverse range of audience locations consuming Prime Video media content with each new addition. In developing Culpa Tuya production team took fan views seriously when approaching material since some aspects of the original source book were not favored creating difficulties for story adaptation initially. Gonzalez and Cuenca creatively changed some parts of the storyline to align with online comments and fan requests from Tik Tok and Instagram allowing some artistic control to come directly from a very important audience segment which are the original book fans and early movie supporters alike . The story line has similarities to original material but contains revisions that many speculate will prove very satisfying for original readers.
An English language version of Culpa Mia also called “My Fault: London” is under development signaling how much further development Prime has placed in the “Culpa Mia” movie property creating a large international series spanning multiple continents using multiple diverse perspectives. Mercedes Ron’s "Dímelo Bajito” also known as Tell Me Softly is also being created showing long term faith in this specific creator as Prime Video hopes to capitalize from global awareness that the production from the team generated over this period of time during the original release of Culpa Mia as well as current views with Culpa Tuya. Prime Video appears committed in this project to continue showcasing how its streaming platform is actively engaging in unique material from various content creators with a special focus towards highly creative story lines from around the globe creating the new series standard in digital video media streaming globally.