Movies News Talk

Caddo Lake Movie Review: Shyamalan's Swampy Thriller Misses the Mark

Caddo Lake: A Shyamalan-Produced Mystery That Misses the Mark

Caddo Lake: A Swampy Mystery That Needs a Stronger Hook

M. Night Shyamalan – love him or hate him, the guy’s a cinematic force of nature. From Signs (2002) to more divisive picks like Lady in the Water and Knock at the Cabin, the man is undeniably one of those names you either completely love or don't understand and frankly this can apply across various demographics too; so that’s exactly why this article is even needed: to provide analysis.

His latest project, Caddo Lake (a Max original, his third producing credit where he didn’t actually direct) totally hyped up anticipation and made expectations far higher for those viewers wanting another spooky thriller from this genre. Yet this film directed by Celine Held and Logan George (Topside fame) isn’t entirely satisfying despite its very unique creative choices!

It follows two seemingly unconnected characters: Paris (Dylan O’Brien), a recluse after his mother dies, lives by Louisiana’s Caddo Lake; and Ellie (Eliza Scanlen),  a rebellious young lady whose stepsister, Anna (Caroline Falk), goes missing.  Their lives collide; they try to unravel a local mystery involving that lake itself; a mystery that brings a creative spin but still fails completely, at times; mainly because of other failings found across this story and plot which significantly affect this entire experience for the audience members!

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Strong Performances Drowned in Weak Writing

Dylan O'Brien in a still from Caddo Lake where he is controlling his boat Image

The actors are amazing, folks!  O’Brien and Scanlen’s performances – from expressions to dialogue delivery; the sense of that underlying raw emotion and deep fear both really deliver something amazing!  Lauren Ambrose (Celeste), who had previously starred in Yellowjackets brings immense levels of urgency, perfectly portraying those sentiments involved with desperately looking for her lost daughter.

However, this movie severely struggles with developing any relatable characters and relationships which is a total letdown for those wanting those moments of emotional involvement to add weight to what was transpiring.    This becomes problematic for several characters which made many people disconnect completely from the characters involved; these choices could be improved significantly, adding those details to generate additional engagement. It hurt the very themes explored in this Mystery Plot that is largely supposed to drive all of those sentiments and actions!

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An Intriguing Mystery Mired in Confusion

Caddo Lake (2024) Poster Image

Caddo Lake’s central mystery does seem very interesting initially. The writers set things up surprisingly creatively but these creative approaches suffer from poor story pacing; becoming almost predictable and rather disappointing towards its final act:  revealing what really happened to Anna. The middle sections also create those odd moments of abrupt, bizarre character behavior (like a deeply illogical moment from Paris), adding pointless drama instead of furthering the central story! The whole story suffers and some moments feel unnecessary.

Those scenes end up feeling like these necessary pieces meant purely to explain plot developments instead of actually being organic moments of tension and development; this creates that bizarre feel that was supposed to deliver some thrills.  It all lacked an essential component— making viewers feel those necessary impacts from both storyline developments, coupled with appropriate moments of emotional turmoil to make those Characters feel significantly more relevant for these very critical moments.

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Conclusion: A Missed Opportunity That Even Shyamalan Couldn’t Save

Caddo Lake has those brilliant sparks of clever ideas: it tried and almost achieved creating those very intense mysterious thrills which Shyamalan Films often successfully convey. Those ideas; the creative attempts were somewhat successful, despite obvious limitations presented both through budget restrictions and creative limitations, mostly from inexperienced directing, rather than any inability on the side of the creators and actors. However, its failings largely center around poor choices which seriously diminished that potential and hurt that amazing mystery completely.   The thin character development; and a meandering storyline that didn’t resolve certain plot points effectively make it ultimately a disappointment; and certainly not worth a recommendation!

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