Updated Axes Can Damage Stardew Valley Berry Bushes

Reddit user shsl_izzy posted a video demolishing the farm's smaller shrubs including the berry bushes. They cleared more free space surrounding a cottage by destroying the shrubs with a Golden Axe. Although this isn't a new function and some players have been well aware of for some time, the comments on the original post include folks stating they had no idea this was feasible. User Somatsua left a comment on the post, "1279.Four hours into the game, and I only discovered this today....

Players will require a copper axe at least; they can only remove these plants on the Riverland and Forest farm maps. To enter the Secret Woods west of Cindersap Forest, one needs the Steel Axe. Axes enhancements are available in Clint's house. First of copper, then of steel. The first in-game year of Stardew Valley has mines where one can find these ores. Upgrading an axe takes two days; as long as there are no celebrations falling within that window,

What Berry Bushes Do in Stardew Valley?

Should the bushes not be damaged, farmers should anticipate blackberry between fall 8 and 11 and salmonberries between spring 15 and 18. The player's Foraging level determines how many berries each harvest yields; max out at four berries should they eat food that raises Foraging. Blackberries and salmonberries replenish 25 energy and 11 health per berry, respectively; their quality determines how much of each they restore.

Higher Foraging skill berries will be of superior quality when picked. Conversely, plucking berries will somewhat improve foraging ability. This implies that, even if berry bushes can be taken down completely, it could be wise to keep them around to increase stats and skills. Remember also that there are bushes outside the farm that provide berries; so, foraging is not the only vital ability. Fishing is easier in 1.6, hence it can be maxed out fast.

Every Stardew Valley player should be aware of one important fact regarding bushes.

Though this one is unique, occasionally in Stardew Valley there is a detail players are unaware of. The several farm layouts in the game have varied uses. While individuals who prefer fishing can gladly live on the Riverland or Beach farm, those in pursuit of nighttime battle might select the Wilderness farm. No matter the kind of farm one chooses, every farm will have a fixed count of bushes. These shrubs produce fruit at designated times during particular seasons.

Sometimes the berries are on tiles that are crucial, even if they can be a simple Stardew Valley method to replenish energy and get Foraging experience. Perhaps the farm's corner would be ideal for a coop or barn, but one berry bush stands in way of any possible building location. It turns out that there is something one can do about the bushes—a feature most of the player population apparently ignores.

Stardew Valley: A Manual for Farm Layout, Foraging, and Other Projects

While this isn't a new feature, and a feature that seems to be only partially known by the community, time will continue to reveal plenty more facts and features about commonly known mechanics in Stardew Valley, which is the kind of game with several minor elements still being discovered constantly.

The little indie agricultural community Stardew Valley swept over the globe. Originally inheriting a run-down farm from their grandfather, the player settles into Stardew Valley to begin a fresh life remote from the city. Plant food, tend to animals, befriend the residents, and learn the mysteries the valley has to reveal.