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Stardew Valley Grange Display Guide: Win the Fall Fair!

Stardew Valley Fair: Crafting the PERFECT Grange Display for Victory!

Unlocking Stardew Valley's Grange Display Secrets: Points, Prizes, and More!

The Stardew Valley Fair's Grange Display contest is legendary! It's a yearly challenge where players display their best harvest; hoping for top marks, sweet prizes and of course that much coveted Stardrop; yet this contest is shrouded in mystery. Those scoring systems?  Confusing as heck!  You can’t easily memorize it or figure it out from the descriptions alone. But this is a yearly event and one of those yearly competitions everyone in the game participates in; even outside the competition itself this becomes an event where many interact and discuss!

This article will unlock those secrets for you; it will break down everything for anyone trying to earn top honors in this beloved Farming sim! We’ll dive deep into those points systems, cover the top Items you’ll want to gather and will present several suggestions for what a player will want to craft. Finally; we also discuss the various rewards available after completing that challenge.

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Mastering the Grange Display: The Key to Success!

Stardew Valley Farm with Leah on the front Image

There are three major aspects affecting those scoring criteria and how the points are generated. These elements should ideally be maximized to create the most effective entry. Remember, the main goal of anyone entering this yearly challenge is not to simply get an entry, but to generate the highest possible score. Every moment should be accounted for, especially concerning the available Rewards discussed in the last sections.

1. Quantity: More Is More!

The most important thing for your display involves maximizing those Items available; that’s nine slots, friends! Fill all nine;   even using random items as fillers is ok if needed! Aim for a balance of high Quality and diversity to meet all three goals and receive the best score possible. Filling every slot earns additional points; which means it should not be omitted when deciding how the scoring functions.

2. Quality: Those Stars Really Do Matter

Stardew Valley character looking sad with a single tear coming from their eye in front of a messy starter farm Image

Those item star levels matter big time, significantly increasing the potential value.   The sell price dictates points. This suggests selecting those top-quality items like Iridium-quality produce; especially vegetables, Fruits and seafood items, mushrooms from the caves; along with all artisan goods (Wines etc) create some high scores.

The value depends on sell prices. If your Tiller skill boosts veg scores, your Fisher skill will boost your fish. If you improved your Artisan skill, then expect better scores from your Artisan Goods. That simple skill selection determines that base quality of your entries and this alone determines a minimum starting level! These additional enhancements also really demonstrate why picking up new skills matters!

3. Variety: Eight Categories (But Six Might Be Enough!)

Various tents and characters walking around the Stardew Valley fair. Image

It’s essential to be diverse. That variety element earns five points for each category in your grange display; this increases that potential quality greatly; it is more valuable for people attempting that maximum possible points achievable!

There are eight available categories and achieving those maximum points involves filling every category; that is only possible by making use of enough slots for everything in your grange display. This would imply that choosing what is actually entered in this display might not be easily achievable. Don’t panic, six categories are completely fine for victory; simply adding additional, well-made, items should not only completely earn those 30 points; it can exceed expectations with several additional high-value entries for several categories.

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Maximum Points and a Sure-Fire Winning Strategy

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The maximum is 125 points in total (9 slots (+9 bonus points); an 8 point maximum per item; 30 bonus points from having a minimum of 6 different item categories filled). But, you need only 90 points to win; that’s way more than easily achievable.  

Aim to completely fill your display;  then grab those highest quality items and hit at least six item categories. A player needs only several four-point items (minimum of 8) and one additional five-point item for winning easily!

Here's one winning display for the beginning gamer:

  • Milk (x3) 
  • Crystal Fruit (x1)
  • Pumpkin (x1)
  • Wine (any x3)

You likely have more options available to create even better entries!  Use that to enhance these and make other different variations. This becomes extremely flexible; those options are truly vast and make it incredibly achievable. Feel free to substitute and adjust those suggestions accordingly! There are also additional options for substitutions provided, using better-quality replacements depending on what you’ve collected so far. It can’t go too wrong from there! This method can work consistently.

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Stardew Valley Fair Rewards: Prizes, Perks and Maximizing That Potential!

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Winning the contest earns you 1,000 Star Tokens; a unique currency spent at that year’s fair. There's a few common things available and additional, totally random selections from Pierre's stand: You can either buy various new items that enhance your game; especially important permanent upgrades; making an improved game and expanding possibilities later!   There is a simple trick for improving how much money is generated. It involves gambling on green for spinning the wheel, you might be surprised; that can often bring huge returns! Doing this repeatedly is even more effective!

  • Stardrop: It completely ups your energy! But this does cost 2,000 Star Tokens.
  • Rarecrow #1: For the collectors!  It’s 800 tokens.
  • Additional miscellaneous items that do not add permanent upgrades are generally considered relatively worthless even though they can help complete some goals and make gameplay more streamlined, the additional use cases don’t seem really useful when other better choices become far more accessible
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Conclusion: Winning at the Fair Should Be Easy

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This year's Stardew Valley Fair? Getting a fantastic grange display isn’t too hard! Simply by following these suggestions you might actually surpass the 90 point requirement for winning with higher scores that easily exceed even these points. A carefully constructed display ensures victory, unlocking tons of prizes! It's easy enough even in your very first year!

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