Shadow of the Erdtree explores the narrative of Miquella, an Empyrean, and his ambition toward godhood. Miquella's path and that of his mother, Marika, the Queen of the Lands Between show startling similarities in this growth. Miquella wants to see a softer world, but his approaches reflect those of his mother, which finally brings about her collapse.
Being the son of Marika and Radagon—who are the same entity—Miquella has the potential to become a god, so augmenting the complex mythology of the game. He is not alone in this regard; the Empyreans include his twin sister Malenia, Ranni the Witch, and the Gloam-Eyed Queen. Still, Miquella's quest of godhood is very different from that of his contemporaries. Miquella falls short of his aim while Ranni effectively establishes the Age of Stars.
The basis game of Elden Ring highlights Marika's rule over the Lands Between, so reflecting her narrative. From her demigod children to her allies and rivals, the key bosses in the game are all entwined with her legacy. Their narratives highlight her shortcomings as a governing goddess, hinting to the difficulties Miquella would encounter on following a similar road.
Ruthlessness of Marika and failed emulating of Miquella
Marika ruled with merciless policies. She deleted inconvenient history, started genocides against those who challenged the Greater Will, and dumped children who no longer fulfilled her needs. Her merciless nature resulted in her breaking the Elden Ring, launching a terrible civil war across the Lands Between. Her behavior, including sending two of her children to the Shunning Ground for being omens, suggested a frigid and callous king.
Miquella tries to be this merciless, particularly when he orders Mohg to kidnap him and causes two of his brothers to die and throws his sister into a coma. His behavior, though, falls short of that of his mother's aggression. His realization of Marika's treatment of the Hornsent in the Land of Shadow drives him to reject aspects of himself out of guilt, so exposing a vulnerability lacking in his mother. Although Miquella might be judged merciless by conventional standards, his heartlessness is nowhere compared to Marika's.
The Common Focus on Godhood
Given Miquella's inability to reach godhood, his unrelenting quest of it is ironic. Malenia, on the other hand, becomes the Goddess of Rot rising to godhood during a conflict. Selected as Marika's possible successor by the Two Fingers, Miquella is the only one actively seeking the mantle, which might be the exact factor bringing about Marika's demise. Malenia's godhood results from her bloom; Ranni challenges the Greater Will to start the Age of Stars. Their paths separate from Marika's finally result in success.
Though Radahn never specifically agreed to this arrangement, Miquella's view is distorted by his fixation with Radahn as his selected consort. His attempt to have Radahn occupy the position reflects Marika's relationship with Godfrey, the first Elden Lord, who apparently chose to be with her. Miquella's shortcomings in emulating Marika's actions are revealed by his inability to develop into an Erdtree.
Shadow of the Erdtree: Marika's Legacy Reflectively
Shadow of the Erdtree shows how Miquella's need to be like his mother, a god, finally brings him down. He does not reach her degree of success even though he follows in her footsteps. By deciding on a road quite different from Marika's, Ranni transforms into a goddess and brings in a new age alongside a consort. Even Malenia climbs to godhood despite her personal hardships. Miquella should have turned away his mother's advice if he really wanted to usher in a new age.
Miquella's narrative is a warning about the perils of mindlessly copying the past. His mistakes highlight the need of creating one's own path, especially in view of such a high target as godhood. The growth emphasizes also the complexity of the Lands Between and the complex network of relationships binding its people, so rendering this planet rich in knowledge and mystery.
For players, Elden Ring presents a large and demanding universe to discover. Whether they would rather be expert swordsmen or strong magic users, they are free to design their perfect character and start their path to become the Elden Lord. The game is a very fascinating experience since its rich history and sophisticated characters—like Marika and Miquella—offer countless chances for exploration and learning.