The enchanting world of Hogwarts Legacy transports players back to a magical past. While the game is packed with recognizable objects from the Harry Potter universe, there's one particular reference that younger generations might miss – a now-obsolete item that was once commonplace!
Since Hogwarts Legacy is set before the modern era of Harry Potter, certain items might not be as familiar to those who grew up after the era of these items! This is quite similar to a computer game that still has a floppy disk save icon, but we don't use floppy disks very much anymore. Younger generations might not recognize some of these items or references. This isn't just in games either! Technology in movies is also a great example. A 20th century phone would likely not be included in a 21st-century film!
The potion station in Hogwarts Legacy takes inspiration from classic ovens. This style of oven, specifically in the United States, might be unfamiliar to younger players, but would still have been used in the game's setting (the late 19th century). In present-day Hogwarts stories, it seems that this item would be replaced with a lab-style station, due to a change in technology, much like how cooking has been modified!
The answer is a bit complex. Hogwarts Legacy is set in a world of magic and is very different from reality. But there are still several items, objects, and themes that reflect history. There are Hogwarts Legacy Easter eggs where historical references and objects have been incorporated into the design of the game world. These tiny details give a new depth and meaning for the game.
Video games can serve as amazing repositories for history! This type of inclusion shows that Hogwarts Legacy is making an effort to be true to its setting and can serve as a source for learning something new about history. The magic world that Hogwarts exists in, makes it more immersive and memorable!
A sequel to the game, Hogwarts Legacy 2, is likely! But there is still no release date for this new game yet! It would be interesting to see how they expand the world. This would be a great opportunity to add even more depth and unique items and references!
Yes! If you like video games with incredible detail, magic, a touch of history, and incredible adventure, you should definitely check it out. If you want to learn more about the history and culture that was blended with Hogwarts Legacy, you can find details and resources, which you can discover on the internet!