Generation Z is known as the generation that includes individuals born roughly between the late 1990s and the early 2010s. This has made them unique as they take on education, jobs, communication and even entertainment. This article explores all different concepts within what makes Gen Z so different.
There are many different aspects of the values among Gen Z when compared to their parents or prior generations. There are different values placed on tradition and personal experiences as well as their views on success and culture and career paths.
The way Gen Z looks at older generations is one of questioning if traditional concepts are always what is meant to be. Examples can include questioning higher educational values or the standard Corporate expectations while exploring the different values associated with it. There is a push for systems to change in a different method than older generations.
Gen Z is entering the workforce with different expectations and approaches than those of the past, impacting how they work with a few notable practices that include career catfishing as well as coffee badging.
Career catfishing involves Gen Z applicants accepting job offers, but then Choosing not to show up on the first day. The intention of this is for Gen Z to take control over job decisions instead of having someone else choose for them. This shows the need for Gen Z to take their own time while taking control of their own employment future which may be viewed as rebelliousness. This form of defiance highlights a desire to be independent. This behavior which is a mix of power and an inability to communicate has been done by younger generations and although common may show that younger generations need to be open and direct when it comes to changes in career choices.
In addition to career catfishing the idea of "Coffee badging" also made its way to the workplace. That occurs where a worker goes to work but may leave not long after they arrive without being actively present. "Quiet Quitting" also shows their disengagement with just doing the minimum for what is asked. These concepts may stem from the burnout that previous generations experience and it can demonstrate Gen Z's awareness of corporate standards that they do not agree with.
Gen Z prioritizes purpose with their desire to impact communities and have that impact be seen. Technology also has a high importance to help engage with like minded people. This combination impacts not only their personal journeys but also allows an idea of connection to help improve what they want the world to become.
Gen Z grew up with Social Media which became a great platform to showcase their voice while bringing like minded people together to form a larger collective community. Social media also allows them to organize movements, connect with various viewpoints which adds new ideas and connections to a larger world. Their knowledge of online tools help build relationships and a path towards awareness.
The passion from Gen Z in what they do creates more than just a career choice but instead an opportunity to make changes they want to see in the world. Project managers for Social impact initiatives are also becoming more frequent and seen as the direction younger individuals with high aspirations hope to reach. That may include initiatives to help with underserved communities or organizations to protect the earth.
Even outside of traditional workplace environments Gen Z does show the way relationships look in our current world as they become transparent about love, boundaries and their own personal feelings while making life choices.
Compared to the past the communication from Gen Z has made it to the forefront with their emphasis on consent. Their opinions and emotions are shown in an easy and open form. As those issues change it may also show younger viewers they can have better boundaries than prior generations.
Authenticity is an important part of who Gen Z wants to portray. They reject old traditional values and express their uniqueness through art and other creative endeavors. Their ability to show that online is done through personal expression and self identity with much authenticity. This gives a lens into how people from this generation views life experiences from creativity to friendships.
Even media and movies can show an impact with how prior movies were delivered to the audience as what may have worked for an older audience will not always be the same with a modern view. Shows like "Dead Poets Society" highlight that generational differences can effect one’s feelings from a classic movie. What may have been inspirational to older viewers may not be for the newer generations and that has been a noted and well discussed point in modern reviews.
Older movie characters may have seemed normal in the past, Gen Z may look upon them as being predatorial and aggressive in their roles. When older styles were celebrated there may now be questions on character ethics. Gen Z views things with a different lens from the generation prior who were more comfortable with tolerating some negative qualities.
Also there is a difference between prior and now the impact tragedies will have on viewers with a trigger warning and more of a cautious tone towards that specific aspect of life. Prior movies did not approach hard topic in a softer manner. There is also no longer the expectation to continue with what is viewed and just moving forward with little to no process for the hard emotions from media.