Generation X, born roughly between 1965 and 1980, is the generation sandwiched between Baby Boomers and Millennials. This generation has made its impact known and notable on culture and other major sectors of the world despite sometimes being labeled "forgotten."
Known as the generation that has lived in two different types of eras the analog and digital they are at an intersection of the past and the present while shaping both. Gen X has shown influence in many different sectors such as music and technology however their position in politics is less defined than other generational groups. This shows a very diverse group that are often difficult to describe due to having to go in their own way rather than following the trend.
The Baby Boomer’s extended dominance in leadership has left little opportunity for Gen Xers to take the highest political positions. Though having had plenty of influence there is still a roadblock when it comes to them having the top spot in many sectors. In recent presidential elections this was seen clearly when only Baby Boomers where the main contenders. However there is the chance that future elections could change those numbers as different generational view points are brought to light in modern society.
Often labelled as the latchkey generation their characteristics have been heavily influenced by the times they were born into with major elements that show individualism and resourcefulness as traits.
They were shaped by a shift from a globalized perspective post Cold War, to having unique insight to the world around them which has led them to not believe most institutions fully. They bring forth real life pragmatic views with skepticism of many large political systems due to personal experiences of things changing drastically. As well as seeking unique perspectives in leadership when given the opportunity.
Gen X has an appreciation for innovation that developed alongside the rise of digital media but not fully in that world having been heavily influenced by both traditional ideas and that world view. These dual perspectives may lend itself to unique and efficient policies by a leader who is open to new ideas with respect for how that transition can often feel.
Though there hasn’t been any President of the Gen X generation the time may come for the generation to break through while understanding the new landscape that they would be in charge of. With a shift in power, their views could lead the country forward. There are areas they may influence due to personal experience as many generations before did in their unique historical perspectives.
If any person of the Generation was to win presidency some possible approaches might include taking aim to regulate digital privacy while also addressing social inequities and bringing attention to a technology based market. With all new challenges that a more digital age presents they could potentially be the best suited to handle many new social norms in the country.
Studies indicate that Gen X was greatly affected by lead exposure in their formative years due to leaded gasoline. It is noted these are real scientific elements that impacted development while also impacting life long health issues which have been directly linked to lead in previous studies.
Researchers found a large link between exposure to lead and an increased possibility of several mental health issues ranging from depression, anxiety, and difficulty with controlling impulse which leads into greater psychopathology over time. By maintaining personal health to minimize harmful habits like substance abuse it would help to limit those ongoing concerns related to lead poisoning and long term life effects.
With the Boomer generation transitioning out of power and the continued rise of Millennials, Generation X could have it’s moment to rise to the occasion. There may be a future generation who values the dual lens perspective to new and old approaches which has already begun. All of which could propel Gen X to be a driving force when all parts align to bring an important person to power.
Gen X brings a bridge between old world understanding with the modern world we have become in. Those perspectives could be greatly helpful to move the country towards stability while giving a more level approach to the future through innovative ways to work through new social structures and rules.