
Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree Boss is INSANELY Hard! Is It Unfair?

Is The New "Shadow of the Erdtree" Boss Too Hard?

Get ready for another intense showdown - the newest Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree! If you were a big fan of the original Elden Ring, you have to play the expansion, it's so wild - it answers some important questions. But with this new expansion, fans are saying that it's the hardest, even worse than Malenia Blade of Miquella with that infamous "Waterfowl Dance" and Radahn in the original Elden Ring game.

Is The "Shadow of the Erdtree" Boss Unfair?

Everyone thinks this new boss might be the most challenging Elden Ring Boss! If you want to get those runes, well, you are gonna be battling through an insane new fight, It is totally worth it though, because this expansion expands the story and adds tons of extra things to discover!

Why is the boss so difficult?

  • He's super fast! That makes this boss really intense.
  • Those AOE attacks are gonna really hit you! That means there is more room to make mistakes - since those attack ranges are just huge - that is one way the fight can really get tough!

And the worst part? He gets a buff from his "Promised Consort" - the boss in the original Elden Ring game, who we all thought had been defeated! So he gets to make those insane moves and attacks, even the super large AOE, that you don’t see coming!

How Do I Defeat The "Shadow of the Erdtree" Boss?

  • This isn't just any regular fight. The new expansion actually makes a huge difference because it is challenging to win those new runes!
  • You'll have to dodge super carefully since it turns out this fight actually feels unfair. You can try "Ash of War" techniques, which allows you to dodge faster, especially when using those Katanas - or make a strategy with different items to protect yourself and dodge!
  • This kind of problem isn't just unique to the new Shadow of the Erdtree. In Elden Ring, the developers sometimes use really crazy, huge hit boxes, especially if you look at Morgott! They aren't exactly accurate when you're playing it but might actually make the games feel more interesting.
  • If it was easy to defeat these bosses - well, it might not be as fun.

There you have it - so get ready for the newest Elden Ring Expansion Boss and those DLCs coming out this month! Make sure to equip all your favorite gear and keep those dodging skills tight! Remember the epic Elden Ring journey!

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