Players of Elden Ring can use face-shaped sculptures called Prattling Pates to connect virtually. Found all across the Lands Between, these Pates emit "Hello," "Thank you," and even "You're Beautiful." Essentially voice-activated objects, the Pates offer players a straightforward approach to transmit messages without using text chat.
Although the Pates have simple mechanical form, their legend is more complex. Each Pate is said to be created by a unique person, and their voice is a recording of that person's own voice. The Pates are said to be "twisted clay sculpts in the shape of a human head," suggesting they are created by handcraftmen.
The Prattling Pates are important since they offer a special means of expression among the Lands Between. They are evidence of the inventiveness and resourcefulness of the residents as well as of their ability to record and honor someone's voice long after that person is gone, therefore implying a close relationship between the living and the dead.
Found in the Land of Shadow within the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, the Lamentation Pate is a new variation of the Prattling Pate. When utilized, it is a visually striking Pate frozen over and twisted that produces terrible wailing, screaming sound. The setting of its location and item description point to it belonging to a Lamenter's Gaol inmate, a jail for those driven insane.
Among the other Pates, the Lamentation Pate distinguishes itself by producing noises rather than voices. This implies that a creature of the Lamenter's Gaol, such a Lamenter, created it rather than a real person. The Lamenter's Gaol is a site of great grief and misery, hence this notion is backed by the cacophony of the Lamentation Pate reflecting that sentiment.
The storyline of Boc the Seamster, a low self-esteem character, revolves mostly on the "You're Beautiful" Pate. He gains confidence and remembers his mother's remarks when players use this Pate near Boc. Given Boc's mother's demi-human like demeanor, it is believed that she created this Pate. This idea is strengthened even more by the fact that it is the only Pate with teeth that match those of a demi-human.
Both the Lamentation Pate and the "You're Beautiful" Pate agree that a particular person shapes every Prattling Pate. The mournful and desperate noise of the Lamentation Pate implies that it was created by a creature of the Lamenter's Gaol; the "You're Beautiful" Pate's uplifting message points to Boc's mother, who wished to inspire her son.