
Dying Light: The Beast - Kyle Crane Returns in a New Standalone DLC

Dying Light: The Beast - A Return to Harran with Kyle Crane

Get ready to re-enter the post-apocalyptic world of Dying Light as the beloved hero Kyle Crane returns for the brand new DLC, Dying Light: The Beast!

When does Dying Light: The Beast release?

While there is no release date set, Techland is promising more details including Dying Light: The Beast release date! You can add Dying Light: The Beast to your wishlist and make sure to keep an eye out for the latest news, and even any Gamescom Opening Night Live reveals.

Who is Kyle Crane, and What Happens To Him?

Kyle Crane, the original protagonist of Dying Light, was part of a military effort to contain a pandemic that started in the fictional city of Harran. Crane helped take on the Harran Virus.

What Does the "Beast" in the New Title Refer To?

You can't forget the volatile infected from Dying Light and its sequels, they are among the most challenging foes! The title is referencing how Kyle Crane has been affected. Dying Light: The Beast explains how Crane will leverage beast-like power to confront these enemies. It will certainly be a breathtaking experience!

Why is this DLC Taking Place so Many Years Later?

If you haven't been following this incredible zombie franchise, there's some key backstory to know. In Dying Light 2: Stay Human, we followed the Aiden Caldwell story. In the new story for Dying Light: The Beast, Crane is picked up thirteen years after his initial encounter with the Harran Virus. Think of it like this, Dying Light and Dying Light: The Following was part of a prequel timeline and it appears as if Dying Light: The Beast will pick up that story from years prior to Dying Light 2.

Where Can I Discover More About The New Story?

Techland is promising a more detailed overview soon. This new installment in the zombie franchise will be available for those who have purchased Dying Light 2: Stay Human's Ultimate Edition! If you missed that release, Dying Light: The Beast will be available as a standalone title and will feature new game modes, characters, and challenges to experience. It's likely there will be newest mission and details revealed for various survivors. This could make this a hit for fans looking for a more terrifying game experience.

Is Dying Light: The Beast Part Of the Same Continuity As Dying Light 2?

Although Crane has an impact on the story in the sequels, this standalone title is still connected! The events in Dying Light: The Beast pick up in the storyline of Dying Light!

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