The Cyberpunk 2077 world contains a wealth of intricate details for fans to discover! Although this world includes plenty of elements that are familiar to players, Cyberpunk 2077 also brings in lesser-known bits of Cyberpunk lore! In the Phantom Liberty expansion, there's an intriguing reveal about a major faction - the USSR - and it is related to the game's original history.
It might be a surprise for those who haven't delved deep into the Cyberpunk universe. Yes! The USSR, specifically a reform that changed into the "Union of Sovereign Soviet Republics," exists in this world! You may find that the nation's oil industry consolidated into a major corporation known as "SovOil." You can discover hints in both the base game and the Phantom Liberty DLC.
Even before the release of Phantom Liberty, there were minor mentions in the base game of Cyberpunk 2077 to the Soviet Union's existence. While not an overly significant aspect in the original game, Cyberpunk 2077 had characters such as the Ripperdoc Nina Kraviz who had an USSR connection! This information is revealed during conversations.
Phantom Liberty DLC brings an interesting revelation through the gig, "Spy in the Jungle," which tells the story of a former SovOil agent. As players work through this quest, it might feel like a very different aspect of Cyberpunk 2077 from a story perspective!
Although Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot of details that players have yet to fully understand, the role of the USSR in the upcoming sequel (with the codename of "Project Orion") could see more changes! Be on the lookout for the next chapter in this series! We're not sure if the game's main storyline will shift to more closely reflect the world of SovOil or any Cyberpunk factions that didn't receive too much focus before. Keep your eye out for more!
There's some fascinating detail behind how Cyberpunk developed! The original table-top roleplaying game, Cyberpunk 2013, came out back in 1988. As such, Cyberpunk never underwent the world-altering changes from the real world's events! With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the game had to establish how the USSR existed in a Cyberpunk world!
Yes, be on the lookout for clues hidden within the world of Cyberpunk 2077, as the world is rich with mystery! Fans could be on the lookout for other elements tied to the USSR in addition to SovOil! With a world set in Night City and many Cyberpunk factions such as Arasaka and Militech to uncover, you could easily be swept into more secrets!