Since Bloodborne first arrived on the Playstation 4, players across different platforms have been eagerly waiting for an official Bloodborne PC port, but this is one game that has avoided an official Bloodborne official release.
The Bloodborne release for PC has not been confirmed. Sony Bloodborne is the company who released this classic, and there has never been an official announcement about Bloodborne on PC, or a potential Bloodborne remaster.
Even though Bloodborne on the PlayStation 4 has been immensely popular, it has also generated an extremely large community that constantly begs for a version that would increase its Bloodborne accessibility! Gamers and enthusiasts also desire a Bloodborne sequel!
Unfortunately, while a Bloodborne PC port is not official, you might be able to play it on PC using PS4 emulators such as ShadPS4! Though not officially licensed, this software is starting to get some attention from gamers who love Bloodborne, especially after seeing recent videos highlighting improved performance and framerates, which are impressive for this type of emulator software.
Bloodborne emulators, while they provide a lot of fun for gamers, have some real problems! Currently, players experience Bloodborne performance issues, including the need to deal with Bloodborne crashes that happen, which makes for an unenjoyable experience.
There is always the concern that a project, like ShadPS4, will receive an official cease and desist from Sony. While this is a legitimate concern for emulators, this particular situation could turn out well because the success of these projects are an indication of Bloodborne popularity. In time, with increased popularity for this Bloodborne project, we may see something great coming from Sony.
We should all keep an eye out! Although an official port isn't available yet, we can only dream. While there isn't Bloodborne official release of Bloodborne on PC yet, Bloodborne rumors will continue to stir! The popularity of Bloodborne gameplay and the many Bloodborne fan project, such as Bloodborne Kart, or Nightmare Kart shows that this is a classic. With some good news, Bloodborne may soon make an appearance for other gamers!