The Best Order to Play All the Borderlands Games? Let's Break It Down

Borderlands! We're all about those wacky guns and epic loot, but you know the Borderlands Franchise has grown HUGE, right? Want to make sure you experience everything the Borderlands games have to offer? We'll sort out the best play order.

What's the Ideal Order to Experience the Borderlands?

  • Here's how to play in the best way: start with the very first game. You know, Borderlands 1? It shows you where it all began and those key elements from the game you'll find throughout the franchise. Those Vault Hunters and those huge corporations wanting those crazy Vaults? It's all here. So cool, especially if you wanna understand the history.
  • Then it's on to the masterpiece that is Borderlands 2! That one is HUGE. It's really the one that took everything awesome about Borderlands and cranked it up! All those amazing characters, that super awesome antagonist Handsome Jack - it's super fun!
  • Borderlands The Pre-Sequel is the third one. You get a deeper dive into that wicked guy Handsome Jack but it actually takes place before Borderlands 2. It's kind of a Borderlands twisty thing to remember because even though it comes before Borderlands 2, it is good to play after, just because of spoilers!
  • Tales From The Borderlands, this one's all about the story and isn't a straight-up looter shooter. The characters from Borderlands 2 are here. Since it's like a little extra side quest, it's better to play after Borderlands 2.
  • Now comes Borderlands 3 - this one has SO MANY amazing characters from those previous games - including Tales From The Borderlands. Plus, it just has better game mechanics and looks totally different.
  • Next up - Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands! This game’s a different feel, a bit like D&D! That one's also after Borderlands 3 - to get all those awesome weapons, which make those previous games look super outdated!
  • New Tales From The Borderlands. It's cool, it has a totally new group of Borderlands characters and it comes out after the events of Borderlands 3 - the whole game world just really expands with it, too!

Must I Play Every Game In the Borderlands Series?

Here’s the deal - even with all those cool Borderlands Games - you don’t have to play them all to be in the loop.

  • You can definitely get started with Borderlands 2 if you want a head start. It is actually pretty amazing, especially since the story is told there with everything you need from Borderlands 1.
  • You can easily skip Tales From The Borderlands, which is super focused on the story! New Tales From The Borderlands, too!
  • And with Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, it’s like a completely different world, so that's not essential either!

Borderlands is crazy fun, and everyone has their favorites. Maybe Borderlands 3, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands and New Tales from the Borderlands can be for your next adventure if you don't like those looter shooter games. The best part is you're sure to find a way to fall in love with all these games! You might even have borderlands games on your "must-play" list,