Renowned RPG created by Larian Studios, Baldur's Gate 3, is known for its complex systems and gripping narrative. The depth of the spell system of the game, directly derived from Dungeons and Dragons's fifth edition (5e), is among its several fascinating features. This paper explores a remarkable but sometimes disregarded use of the Animate Dead spell in Baldur's Gate 3.
A fresh Reddit post revealed an interesting discovery regarding the Animate Dead spell. Reading poetry, a player came upon the bones of two people who had sadly died. The society soon noted that Animate Dead allows one to bring these bones to life and turn them into strong thralls. Many players were shocked by this unusual use of the spell since they had never thought about applying it on already existing skeletons.
Usually, fresh bodies are used to generate undead allies from the Animate Dead spell. Its potency in turning recently dead foes into fierce allies for battle is well-documented. Still, it's sometimes disregarded the ability to animate skeletons—fully deteriorated bodies. This realization emphasizes the great depth and strategic options presented by the spell system of Baldur's Gate 3.
Although both animated skeletons and zombies are useful allies, they fight in different ways. Zombies are great in melee fighting; animated skeletons excel in ranged attacks. This variety gives players tactical choices that might greatly affect the result of fights.
A useful tool in Baldur's Gate 3, the Necromancy school of magic gives players a variety of spells that might both produce undead allies and offer useful knowledge. For example, the Speak With Dead spell allows one to interact with the departed, so exposing secrets that might otherwise remain secret. Although players can decide to completely avoid Necromancy, investigating its possibilities will help their gameplay to be more rich and sophisticated.