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Warhammer 40k: Space Marine II - Speedrun Vox Liberatis for Maximum XP

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine II lets players team up online for a co-op EXPerience. And while you can get into tons of great, fast-paced action, there are those moments you might want to blaze through as well!

How to Speedrun Vox Liberatis:

There's one really cool operation in Warhammer 40k: Space Marine II that you might be able to get through really quickly! The trick is all about the Vox Liberatis operation, and as far as those missions in "Warhammer 40k: Space Marine II," are concerned, the EXP that you can acquire is a lot!

The great thing is, no matter how hard the operation is. You are going to get the same amount of EXP from it. For speedrunners. This mission is a game changer. For a bunch of great reasons, like being able to quickly get some high levels as a Space Marine! It makes this a must-try! Even the very first stage, where it's a huge battle against Tyranid forces, it can seem impossible! It might seem daunting as you're trying to get through the beginning. The real trick here? You don't actually have to engage with all those bad guys.

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Locating The Vox Jammer

Vox Liberatis First Altar Space Marine 2 Image

The most important objective is going to be getting your squad to the vox jammer that is at the core of the mission. You might have a squad with three different Space Marines, making this super fun, and as you dive into the early part of this mission! You are going to encounter hordes of Tyranid forces but if you run and sprint you can really make a lot of time as the squad quickly moves to the elevator. Keep your eyes open though! While the main focus of the mission is about speed! What's cool about "Vox Liberatis" is that there are some items you don't want to miss! Check for the very first Gene Seed to grab some extra EXP. Even with your team, just one person checking will still reward all three of you!

It’s truly about efficiency, which is always a fun way to play these types of games.

Also Read: Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 Level Up Guide - Get Powerful Fast!

Making Your Way To The Cathedral

Vox Liberatis Tyranids vs. Chaos Space Marine II Image

Now, get ready to encounter those Tyranid forces, it may feel like they are endless! The whole game is about dodging as you run past these enemies, but be careful! You could be caught by surprise! The best tip here is that if you need to fight to make it across the Bridge! It really seems like it might be a short battle so keep those weapons blazing.

You can get some additional EXP by getting to those armor items and making sure you get that new armor data! Even when you're rushing through this part. What comes next might really make this a big challenge, it's the "Extremis level Tyranid" that pops up. But the squad can still get through this! It's all about sticking together as a unit.

The Cathedral. Well, it's going to be one of the more difficult sections but that's when the speedrunners really take over!

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How to Handle The Cathedral

Ultramrines standing looking at explosions happening above them in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. Image

If you have taken a few minutes to grab all the goodies you might need. It will definitely help you for the rest of the mission, especially as it seems you will run through a large part of it without a lot of trouble. What makes this part so unique, is that it's a super fast way to get some additional EXP by destroying these altars. While you might be dealing with "Chaos" enemies, they're more spread out making them much easier to tackle! To avoid a ton of attacks. What helps the most is if the entire team goes together, meaning that as a Space Marine squad, you're going to be close enough to protect yourselves.

To make the job even easier. Roll and dodge as you work to get some easy EXP by destroying the "altars.", in this operation!

While those Chaos enemies may keep on coming it doesn't seem like the team will have a problem getting to the next elevator without destroying all those enemies, they just need to get past! The battle against Chaos and Tyranids will keep coming.

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Be Ready to Sprint

Navigate Lower Levels Vox Liberatis Space Marine II Image

When "Vox Liberatis" really steps up the challenge! There's a major battle where the "Chaos" enemies team up with the Tyranid hive mind and go head-to-head.

  • You will definitely have a ton of enemies attacking
  • The worst part is that these enemies also like to call for reinforcements!
  • If you don't manage your time, the team might lose out and have to start from the very beginning! So just like before!
  • Use all the best tips. Dodge! Roll!

That brings us to one of the last sections of this intense battle! Make your way up those stairs and make that sprint as you try to get out! If you have followed all those steps, you will have gathered a bit of loot and are going to make your way toward those doors! There's also another spot where a Gene Seed is available, so it will be another great opportunity to add extra points! There are even loadout stations before this encounter, which helps to swap and gear up as there's going to be an even bigger challenge!

Time To Get Back to The Elevator Arena

Banish Demonhost Vox Liberatis Space Marine II Image

This section of the Operation! It's a major challenge! If you're running with your team, it might be super interesting but, it could lead to a big issue with time. The goal? Make it through that Elevator and a team is essential here.

  • Your team will have to watch out for all these amazing enemies that are firing bullets!
  • Make sure those "Chaos enemies keep an eye on each other.
  • The team should go quickly to the controls.
  • They may have to separate themselves.

It may just be the time to play the game as "Bulwark," that really helps you take the heat from "Chaos."

Even more, it helps if everyone stays on the elevator while some of the Space Marines help to bring those controls back! If it doesn't work, it could cost the Space Marine squad the game! You might even need to fight as the team reaches the bottom, making it to the next door, where an "altar" lies.

Ready For The Demonhost, And More Altars!

space-marine-2.jpg Image

It seems that the most challenging part of "Vox Liberatis" is this final phase! But as before, speed can really be a super great way to tackle those Chaos enemies, but as before, it's a constant battle! Make sure to grab those "ammunition" items. The "Heavy" class makes a big comeback here! But those "Terminator" enemies might cause problems!

It's the moment you have all been waiting for as this operation has reached a critical point where you need to banish that Demonhost, one of the toughest, most resilient enemies to Encounter!

  • If you can grab those altars and destroy them all. It is super important because these baddies are going to release an awesome projectile that might really bring trouble. But those projectiles have their weakness- timing. There are even more ways to dodge as those enemies might come to life as they will start taking over the space around your character!

It's important for all players to be in that same Area!

The team needs to work together, if the squad gets four of the altars, the mission is over. Your next "EXP" is ready!

If you make it to the end. The Demonhost will disappear and a win for the entire squad! You can finally breathe again and relax with this huge, fast win! You're ready to hit another level for all of those Space Marines.

For anyone interested, it looks like Warhammer 40k: Space Marine II will be giving those Space Marines a fun and exciting challenge with lots of action that might keep players coming back to get all of those levels to complete!

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