Level Up Your Card Shop! Top 10 Mods for TCG Card Shop Simulator
TCG Card Shop Simulator is a total hit. This adorable indie game (originally mobile, now PC with added features!) lets you run your very own trading card shop – a dream for many! The community has created a HUGE amount of mods, really boosting this game. We’re diving into the top ten mods which will seriously supercharge your card shop. We're going beyond just running a simple shop and creating something totally unique – almost as if the reality is entirely your own creation, completely up to you.
You'll need a few base mods to make most others work: BepInEx (the mod loader), More Card Expansions (to use custom packs), and TextureReplacer (for changing in-game card art). Get these things first; they provide the needed platforming, allowing access and control over the environment and customization available for these mods!
This quality-of-life mod (only needsBepInEx) speeds up those slow parts: opening packs and restocking shelves! Customize the pack opening speed, open multiple at once, adjust how many packs you can hold; or even change the card pickup speed! While seemingly insignificant; and small it is ultimately essential.
(Also just needsBepInEx). Pricing in this game involves market tracking to max profits. This mod solves all that by setting daily prices automatically: you input your desired markup, and it handles all that tedious work and is incredibly essential! It makes those otherwise slow portions much smoother, freeing time and greatly boosting how this is enjoyable!
Want to zoom through the game quickly? This lets you boost experience and money multipliers–shortening those grindy portions! You can change this as desired; making it extremely useful for those trying to unlock later content more quickly. You can even change the prices; making this even better and showing a great utility that should satisfy a broad variety of players! This kind of freedom truly demonstrates that this kind of utility is something most people expect. This can create even more of those surprisingly tricky elements!
(NeedsBepInExandMore Card Expansions). Want to sell those cards with Genshin Impact characters? This mod does precisely this, replacing the unreleased card slots. There are issues– artwork doesn't totally match card names, there aren't those extra effects, etc, and this alone is notable! However, the overall product is a really fantastic achievement; an amazing nod that would increase immersion for Genshin fans who happen to like this kind of simulated game. While imperfect this creates a great impact which those people who play frequently enjoy. A major reason this gets featured in this specific list!
(BepInExandMore Card Expansionsrequired).One Piecefans?Add in One Piece cards! This replaces the unreleased cards and its quality; like other mods using More Card Expansions have limitations (cards aren’t always labelled correctly), but these artistic qualities, showing the tremendous effort involved remain a nice and surprising treat and makes for incredibly artistic quality to be implemented.
This transforms the game totally! It creates a complete shift and conversion which is impressive and highly appreciated: this replaces most assets in game with Digimon based content; making this essentially a total overhaul of existing elements! It runs smoothly and is capable of incorporating cards into battles, using this existing mechanic from the original game!
(BepInExandTextureReplacerneeded). LoveVTubers?AddHololivecards! It replaces original card art and this alone is worthy of mention. It cleverly uses VTuber outfits as those evolutions cards for better continuity! The high-quality artwork alone makes this incredibly enjoyable for all fans; the surprisingly good use of game mechanics using VTuber outfits as those evolution cards show incredibly careful design decisions.
(NeedsMore Card Expansions, works with other base game changes). A major addition; bringing manyYu-Gi-Oh!cards into this game. This mod, adds five generations from the physical game– showing a serious amount of dedication from the makers. That dedication and effort create immense value, that careful quality of detail and accurate copying create more than simply custom cards, the attention to existing aspects ensures it works more easily. Its massive potential for growth is undeniable given that this entire franchise remains wildly popular. A solid number three, considering how massive that entire Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise actually is.
(UsesMore Card Expansions, thus cards are mainly cosmetic). Amazing detail here; perfectly timed givenDragon Ball: Sparking! Zero'srelease. Cards look truly awesome. But because it’s tied to More Card Expansions those in-game card functionalities aren't yet implemented, therefore mainly acting as an extremely effective way to completely convert its aesthetics for its target audience! A promising entry– its impressive quality shows incredible potential. One of the best options for this type of anime-inspired mod. The developers clearly showed just why people would really be hoping for this mod.
(UsesTextureReplacer; works withMore Card Expansions). This is the best option available for anyone interested in customizing that experience; making this one of the essential items, for creating the perfect shop! This completely transforms the game withPokémoncards; stocking shelves with those classic and recent packs! Cards (many with full art!) work perfectly with in-game battle functionality– it looks like the real deal and that alone is reason enough to install and play this incredibly dedicated and hard work.A superb entry.
TCG Card Shop Simulatoris awesome!These mods take it even further, adding incredible utility, gameplay changes, and incredibly immersive changes. Adding both artistic flair and changes for various kinds of gameplay preferences – a total masterclass on showing the best kinds of modding efforts.
With ongoing updates and potential new expansions, we eagerly wait to see what kind of potential new additions appear! In the meantime? Play away, experiment with all these amazing mods; and craft that truly unique, utterly unforgettable gaming experience just for yourself.