
Stardew Valley Bush Removal: A Hidden Feature for Experienced Players

Stardew Valley Bushes Are Removable, But There's A Catch

Long time Stardew Valley players are just now discovering a useful feature for their farms. One of the game's major aspects is farm customization, and it is something many players put a lot of thought into. Each player has their own thoughts about how a farm should be set up, and first-time Stardew Valley players often go back and forth between whether they should focus on planting crops, managing animals, or the production of other goods, like wine and jelly. A perfect blend can give players enough money to live a rich life and the chance to focus on other things.

One Reddit user shared a video of themselves breaking the bushes that come standard around the house. shsl_izzy asked whether or not they were the only ones who knew this was possible, and the resounding reply was no. Many didn't realize these bushes could be removed and had always believed they were permanent. One player, hippipdip, mentioned they had played over 3,000 hours and only discovered this because of that video. Some wondered if it was a new feature in the 1.6 update, but others shared that it has always been possible.

Only Certain Farm Types Have Removable Bushes

The catch with this exciting discovery is that these bushes can only be removed on certain farm layouts in Stardew Valley. If the player is on the Forest Farm or the Riverlands Farm, they are removable, and some are removable on the Beach Farm but not on any of the other types. The bushes do not grow back on their own, so it is important to keep that in mind when removing them. Players can buy the seasonal plant decorations to replenish them if they choose to add them back for aesthetic sake.

It is unsurprising that many players weren't aware of this option since some tend to stick to playing on the Standard Farm, but branching out to different farm types can be a fun change of pace for players. Each farm type offers different challenges and new variety for playthroughs. Some players might like the look of one farm while liking the practicality of another, which is what makes Stardew such a replayable game.

Stardew Valley Has A Helpful Community

The best part of the Stardew Valley community is how helpful they can be. Shsl_izzy's video helped so many players discover something new and potentially game-changing. With different cheat sheets for making friends, and these shared discoveries, there are always new ways for the Stardew Valley community to learn more about the game and improve their gameplay.

Stardew Valley is a great game and you can find a lot of helpful tips and tricks online about the game, like the one we discussed in this article. So, next time you’re playing Stardew Valley, make sure to check out some of the helpful tips and tricks online to make your gaming experience even better.

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