Sims 4 Lovestruck Glitch: An Epic Date spanning two days

The most recent extra pack for The Sims 4, Lovestruck, has given the game fresh thrashes of passion and excitement. Although the development has promised to completely transform the dating experience, one specific flaw has resulted in some quite funny dates.

A Love Unquenchable

On Reddit, a player known as sunflowerdruid related their story of a date with a Sim named Celene lasting almost thirty in-game hours. Celene asked to keep the date extended constantly, which resulted in an endless amorous excursion.

Professional-Yam 601, another player, related a similar story: their Sim's first date with Celene set off a whirlwind romance. Within the course of one date, the couple kissed first, got engaged, and started living in together. Still, the passion was fleeting since Celene finally broke off the relationship because she felt dissatisfied.

Value of Attraction in Lovestruck

Romantic relationships are created in Lovestruck in great part by the attraction system. Individual "Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs" found in Sims affect their degree of attraction toward other Sims. This feature complicates the dating process since players have to choose possible mates based on the tastes of their Sim.

Drama Romance by Lovestruck

Although the long date problem could be seen as a bug, it emphasizes Celene's fast falling in love inclination. Other players have said that Celene proposed on their third outing and persuaded her Sims to miss work for dates.

Though the bug might be entertaining, players may find it frustrating as well. Prematurely leaving a date runs a great chance of upsetting the involved Sim.

New Features: Expanding The Sims 4 and Cupsid's Corner

Cupid's Corner, an in-game dating service that lets Sims match with other characters in their neighbourhood, is one of Lovestruck's various fresh additions to The Sims 4. Additionally pulling possible matches from player galleries, this program creates some surprising and funny exchanges.

The release of Lovestruck, which came at a period when players were beginning to lose interest in the game, has helped The Sims 4 witness a rebirth in appeal. Given the unknown direction The Sims 5 is headed, players might have to rely on expansion packs for fresh material. Should future developments produce quality work on par with Lovestruck, it could prove to be a great addition to the franchise.