Movies News Talk

Rick & Summer: The Underrated 'Rick and Morty' Pairing That Season 8 Needs

Rick and Summer: The Underrated Duo of "Rick and Morty"

Rick And Morty season 8 should have more of Rick and Summer together! They’ve proven to be a great pairing, and their dynamic is a breath of fresh air compared to Rick and Morty’s usual shenanigans.

Why Rick and Summer Work So Well

Summer’s desire to be independent makes her a more challenging partner for Rick than Morty, leading to more conflict and hilarious situations. They’ve already had great episodes together, like "Something Ricked This Way Comes," "Promortyus," "A Rickconvenient Mort," and "Wet Kuat Amortycan Summer."

Summer’s self-confidence means Rick can’t control her as easily. This leads to crazy stories where Summer ends up in over her head, like being worshipped by an alien planet or taking advantage of Morty's transformation into a Kuato.

The Benefits for Morty and Rick

Having Rick and Summer team up also benefits Morty’s development. When separated from Rick, Morty has to think for himself, leading to interesting storylines. For example, Morty helped Jerry in Pluto's political scene in season 1 and fell for Planetina. He wouldn’t have done either of those things if Rick needed him.

Summer's presence allows Rick And Morty to reflect on themselves. In "Promortyus," Rick and Morty realized they were monsters to the Glorzo aliens, leading to some introspection. It’s a win-win for everyone!

What Season 8 Could Look Like

Season 8 could focus on Morty becoming more independent. Summer could take over Morty’s role as Rick’s sidekick. This would give Summer more screen time and let Rick explore a new dynamic with a more defiant partner.

Rick And Morty Season 8 could revamp the show’s entire premise by giving Summer a bigger role. This would be great for all three characters, and for the show!

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