Pete Lee , a stand-up comedian is known for his observational humor, relatable storytelling and energetic performance style. The events of recently losing his home brought about a chance to use his style and create laughter through personal challenges.
After his home was destroyed in the Palisades fire, Pete Lee turned his scheduled visit to The Tonight Show into a time to Cope through his brand of humor. During the appearance Jimmy Fallon also showed his support and gave opportunity to showcase how he was able to make the tragic event into something positive.
Lee approached his story by bringing a comedy routine as a coping process and sharing it openly with the public. Fallon was very open with understanding and compassion and welcomed his stories with much engagement. The audience also seemed to appreciate that openness by the way they cheered throughout the stand up.
With his home completely lost he used Instagram to communicate that journey by also showing his process in a funny perspective. His goal to help ease other’s fears along with taking a bad situation and creating jokes served well in this space with both visual and audio formats.
Some fans were very supportive and shared both messages and posts after he described his situation. The fans reacted in a relatable manner through comments and in live audience settings.
Many parts of Lee's set that focused on how he was coping after the incident and it also brought some self deprecating jokes in as well. His goal to turn an event of trauma into relatable comedy to make people more at ease in the aftermath of devastating experiences which made him connect with fans and many who experienced loss.
A notable line was that “When your house burns down, Dry January is over". The comment spoke to how sometimes events take people from their plans. The fast timing of joke development also resonated as this took place right after his house burned down which many saw was a testament to a true comedian’s spirit.
He described watching his home burn live on TV and shared that his friend asked him which house was his and he stated " the orange one which now looks like a Guy Fieri logo" This comment helped add a more visual story to his humor which allows audience interaction.
Lee's story is a personal one with how he handled the loss of his home, with an addition to sharing how he uses humor during trauma he created relatable content from very difficult experiences. The unique situation had many viewing his response with humor with most also being sympathetic.
Fallon made sure to point out how Lee made sure to go on the show even while being a major victim. Also he highlighted his strength as being important and it allowed many to look forward as there was so much tragedy within his community in a powerful manner. His response was met by many positive reactions that he has inspired many through this.
He states "My house burnt down, I can tell jokes about this." Showing that humor during personal trials and that he hopes those will resonate. This is done to show others that it is ok to not have a perfect reaction but that all ways of moving forward are also valid. He wanted others to know his story is something he hopes that all will laugh from without the sense of disrespect.