FF7 Remake Part 3: The Alliance I've Waited 27 Years For!
FF7 Remake Part 3: A Dream Team-Up 27 Years in the Making
The Final Fantasy 7 Remake is bold. It changes things! The first two parts were insane. It created a new take on this amazing game. It showed a lot of changes that might be surprising and perhaps unexpected even by long-time fans of this classic title.And it leaves some room for even bigger surprises in the upcoming part 3 – which is the part I’ve waited for 27 years!
Part 3 wraps uptheFF7 Remakestory, culminating in Cloud and his crew's epic fight againstShinraandSephiroth. Just like in the original game and its several releases since it initially was released; this remains one of the key and critical battles; creating another epic encounter! This epic final showdown, however is going to be entirely different based upon all that we already saw in prior games: The storyline will change; and inRebirth,Aerith’sdeath bySephirothgets a fresh spin which adds even more intense intrigue – adding even greater questions around timelines and what these timelines might create in terms of story. That’s the main reason for those amazing surprises; there will be unique challenges that will differ entirely from the first releases!
The Turks and Cloud's Crew: A Necessary Alliance!
FF7 Remaketweaks nearly everything, creating its own continuity! So I think we're finally seeing what I've always wanted– theTurksteaming up withCloud'sparty, at least for a bit! That’s the main dream, after all!
InPart 3, theTurksandCloud’steam finally share that main goal: stoppingSephiroth. This is insane! TheTurks, that initially antagonistic force, now would have that needed partnership, that crucial alliance which only could’ve become possible due to this shift in story progression and continuity, all built over many iterations and plot developments. A necessary yet unexpected alliance based upon a critical shift in objectives that couldn’t have happened if handled in different ways. This completely changes the dynamic for Part 3’s challenges. Even a brief partnership completely reshapes combat experiences in that upcoming epic battle!
That team-up should not take place throughoutPart 3. Even just a chapter or two– those combined skills provide a new challenge. It's obvious those fighting againstSephirothneed all the help possible; even from unlikely allies! The sheer strength thatSephirothbrings is going to demand unique solutions!
Why This Alliance Makes Total Sense (and How It Could Happen!)
This proposed alliance makes total sense given all the earlier circumstances and plots. TheTurkswere always a really mixed bag: they did work forShinra; taking part in awful things, those questionable actions surrounding the reactor collapse. They were assigned huntingAvalanche(a group that really annoyedShinra!). Their other assignment concerned persuadingAerithto return toShinra! Their newer orders—stoppingSephiroth– show just how important this particular character’s emergence truly is. Stopping the destruction of Gaia demands complete cooperation among every character!
SomeTurkswere clearly uncomfortable withShinra'sorders in those earlier sections– showing these inner conflicts! That makes their switch toward fighting alongsideCloudvery easy to achieve. Working together is a key thing when your lives are threatened. This becomes even clearer in this scenario – these specific threats demand total unity between unlikely parties!
Zack Fair: The Bridge to an Unlikely Alliance
The amazing inclusion ofZack Fairchanges the rules! And makes a huge change regarding this proposed collaboration, facilitating those unique interactions necessary to create a more cohesive experience for this story!Zackis this bridge, connected both to theTurksandCloud'sgroup! This is insane!
It’s completely uncertain how important this character actually is for the upcoming game and remains to be seen, yet that ability to traverse timelines makes for a major factor, showing that some unlikely collaboration is not impossible to envision given how dynamic the plots themselves are; facilitating cooperation across those separate and deeply unique storylines. His insights could make this alliance way easier to create; becauseZackworked bothfor and againstShinra; seeing those events firsthand! And he obviously has reasons to go to war againstSephirothbecauseZack'svery history has these deep connections that are very difficult to unsee.
Conclusion: A Long-Awaited Moment Finally Arrives
For a long, long time, a team up betweenCloudand theTurksremained this highly specific goal for some long-timeFF7fans like myself. The creative team has provided an unexpected situation: 27 years, that impossible dream now appears totally achievable thanks toRemake’suniquely open approach to storylines; creating many different unique scenarios. This proposed alliance inPart 3adds excitement and should become one of those highly anticipated and surprising encounters! Even though I would be absolutely thrilled to get to witness this finally unfold, It would totally change and completely refresh that amazing, unforgettable encounter which has become famous and remains extremely meaningful even decades later; not only does this highlight a profound story arc which could only have unfolded in this specific way, that added dynamic from the Remake’s production truly elevates the anticipation and excitement.