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Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster: Top 10 Weapons Guide

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster gives fans of the beloved zombie franchise some super fresh updates.

The Best Weapons In Dead Rising!

There are lots of ways to slice and dice your way to safety and as many players have learned, certain weapons do an incredible job, while others feel more like a side project than something truly helpful.

10- Shopping Cart:

Frank West plowing over zombies with a shopping cart in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Image

You may find the shopping cart is not only an everyday item for the world, but also the perfect tool for surviving a zombie apocalypse!. And to your surprise! You will be surrounded by tons of shopping carts.

It is truly the ultimate tool for taking down as many zombies as you can. It will really plow through! What could possibly go wrong? The big challenge is that they only work in a perfect situation, and that means an area clear of obstacles, or it's going to stop. It looks like there's a catch: you will have to watch for those dead zombies that can slow it down or block the path to its demise!.

9- Mannequin Torso:

Frank West using a mannequin to beat zombies to death in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Image

Mannequins are all around you! These innocent stand ins, will change completely when a zombie apocalypse is unfolding! Fans of the franchise know the Security Room is your starting point. However, make sure to head down a level to gather up as many mannequins as possible! Even better, once the mannequin breaks apart you get a mannequin torso! They are super powerful, being able to take down any zombie with just one hit! Even though this tool will get the job done! Be sure to keep it close and avoid the zombies. They just might be able to scratch or bite your way to your demise!

8- Katana:

Brad Garrison always joins the survivors as part of the story in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Image

It seems that katanas are found all throughout these post-apocalyptic worlds! What's so good about this one? Well, you get tons of them which means if one breaks you always have a new one. You are sure to find a ton of katanas. And here's the thing you can pick these up in several spots! What could be more useful than that! What’s also awesome, the location that holds so many awesome weapons is Colombian Roastmasters, giving Frank West some delicious orange juice and another awesome sword that makes you super-powered.

  • If you want Rippers's Blades or Ned's Knicknackery they hold lots of amazing swords too!

To get your hands on these katanas, head on up to Paradise Plaza. You are sure to come across this amazing shop.

One thing you should watch for though! You might be surprised, you're going to have a whole army of survivors as well as zombies. But the katana, can cut through a horde! It is a super valuable tool!

7- Small Chainsaw:

Cletus from Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster aiming a sniper rifle Image

Everyone loves a chainsaw! But in the game Dead Rising you will find chainsaws early! The key, though is to try and keep multiple chainsaws around so if one doesn't make it you can use another!

  • While it is super powerful. These little bad boys do run out of gasoline!
  • You also might not like this: you'll need to stay still, meaning, running through crowds of zombies, they are not the most valuable tool.

Fans of "Dead Rising" will know who to beat! It's the psychopaths! These human enemies can be tough to conquer, but if you want to use the chainsaw, you've got to get through them first. For this particular chainsaw you are going to want to head to Wonderland Plaza, you will be heading into an amusement park called the "Spaceship Rollercoaster."! If you can make your way to Adam The Clown, he'll have this great weapon in store!

6- Submachine Gun:

Frank West aiming a shotgun in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Image

Everyone's favorite, the submachine gun! The ultimate close-combat gun that helps cut through those huge hoards.

  • What really gives it a cool aspect is that it can easily run through those tough zombie battles! The only challenge is that accuracy will always be the downside of it because you get the benefit of using this powerful gun to cut through waves!

What you will need is to get your way to Paradise Plaza! You can find the submachine gun in the Shoekin's store! To get there you'll need to head up stairs and there's a great awning to climb on to! It's an awesome, powerful weapon.

5- Sniper Rifle:

Frank West wielding a bloody chainsaw in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Image

When things really get too close for comfort, it's great to be at a safe distance!

There's not just a sense of control but the fact that these weapons really are super strong, The sniper rifle has the power to knock down some of your toughest enemies.

  • One spot is the Huntin’ Shack located in North Plaza! However! Don’t just charge in here! Watch out! On Day 1 there's going to be someone you have to contend with and you can expect some fire from these hostile people! You might think to avoid them! but once you take the picture to show them. The picture of the Security Room’s air duct. Well, then it looks like these hostile figures, will start to follow your lead.
  • Another place you might want to consider Entrance Plaza. You are looking for "The Hall Family"! If you take this part of your adventure into Day 2. That is where this super powerful sniper rifle is! This weapon will do a really good job from a distance but pair it with a "shotgun" and it’s going to make a huge difference!

4- Shotgun:

Frank West using a glowing red laser sword to take down zombies in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Image

In many video games, you're likely to pick a shotgun. For the world of "Dead Rising," it is a great weapon! With this, you're getting tons of ammo and you will get super excited as it blasts those zombies back into oblivion! You also get an advantage in how light and small the shotgun is, giving you more than one at a time.

What makes this awesome gun so special? Well it can make an impact on several zombie hordes and make an awesome impression on Psychopaths, Spec Ops Officers, or Prisoners.

3- Chainsaw:

Frank West in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster aiming the Real Mega Blaster at zombies Image

There's not just one, there are two chainsaws to add a truly crazy element to your zombie defense.

The best part is the chainsaw, that one. They can shred through your toughest opponents. Just with a single swing, these amazing tools are capable of getting the job done! So if you're on the run! Just keep swinging those chainsaws through every wave!

  • What you might have to get used to, is that it can get dropped pretty easy! And there is one negative aspect you need to look out for, too.
  • It will run out of gasoline too quickly.
  • That is why it’s only a valuable asset to take down zombie hoards, not a single zombie. You need that quick run through to clear it out with your special chain!

In this game you can find those chainsaws at Al Fresca Plaza (at McHandy's Hardware). or "Crislip's Home Saloon". You can get even more items as well!

  • Be sure to pick up a sledgehammer
  • Sickle , to help with any task as you traverse the game.

2- Laser Sword:

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Placeholder Tag Art Image

Are you a big fan of melee combat?

A real force! The laser sword is something to celebrate!

In the world of "Dead Rising", it’s one of the best swords, offering those players a super edge over others.

What’s so special about the laser sword? It might look cool, and that is true!

  • There is one major caveat if you are planning to try to get it! You will need to head into "Infinity Mode".
  • Once in Infinity Mode, you will have to fight for five days and complete 10 hours of play! Then it will finally be yours!

Once unlocked, get to the Security Room, this is your first checkpoint! The laser sword has great power. This will help make getting through hordes easy. However! Watch out for those hostiles! You need to get as close as possible. Keep in mind, it breaks easy so this will have to be something you consider as your strategy.

1- Real Mega Blaster:

An awesome tool to keep close at hand and the absolute best!

To use this weapon it is just like the laser sword! You will need to dive into an extensive strategy! You can unlock it by getting to the Security Room.

  • But before getting there. You need to have some time in the "Dead Rising" game world.
  • Get to killing zombies. That means killing 53,594 zombies to unlock it!

Sounds like a real challenge and maybe a good way to pass time. To do this easier, pick up a vehicle that is super powerful and get into those underground tunnels !

This weapon can give those "Dead Rising" gamers something really great. And you will find that even though this tool was hard to unlock it can give you an awesome amount of power and get you a lot further as a gamer!

There is so much going on. What's so cool about "Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster?"

Whether you love to get in close or prefer those awesome ranged weapons there's going to be something perfect! It's up to you and will really help take out all of those zombies!

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