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D&D Epic Boons Guide: Best & Worst From the New Player's Handbook 2024

The most recent Player’s Handbook released in 2024 introduced something incredibly special to Dungeons & Dragons: Epic Boons.” These awesome benefits can be chosen by your character as you level up and make your characters truly remarkable, giving players additional powerful advantages.

A Unique Take on Gameplay

So for you D&D fans. You get these benefits when you reach Level 19. This feature comes from an original set of benefits called “origin feats” that are selected based on your backstory! What’s cool? Every character is going to have a set of feats to select and all of them can choose whatever is best!

One thing you might realize though is that this game keeps adding features and it looks like they really went all-out in 2024.

Now, here comes a powerful upgrade: These epic boons can really enhance a character’s core skills.

  • These feats are known to give your character a +1 bonus to one ability score! This is for most epic boons!

The benefits, the skills that come from boons are truly an addition to those awesome bonuses you get!

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Boons From The Worst to The Best

Dungeons and Dragons honor among thieves Improbable dice Image

What will help determine if these Epic Boons will make a character so great or lead to an awful game! So without further ado, here's an ordered list of how we view all of them, with one bonus thing to consider. Every single boon that’s described can also help to level up those skillsets.

But let's dive into each to help determine which will give players an amazing game.

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12: The Boon of Irresistible Offense

D&D classes like Cleric, Barbarian, and Rogue Image

For fans who think this boon could give your fighter some extra damage? That’s wrong! It looks like an enticing boon but, ultimately, is not really an improvement! The boost, for many players, could leave them wanting more.

  • It can only increase the power of Strength and Dexterity!

That’s a big downside! This feat helps to make your critical hits even better, even as attacks that include piercing, slashing or bludgeoning. You might get more D&D game play as you reach level 19, this is really one of the benefits of the boon, but other than that, it seems like there's a bunch of characters that will want more!

Also Read: D&D 2024 Origin Feats Guide: Best, Worst, and How To Choose

11: The Boon of Energy Resistance

A health potion and a spell scroll from D&D. Image

In this game, you might think that the boon of energy resistance would have so much power! And even though this gives players two energy resistances the downsides may be worth it, for anyone.

  • You don’t get force or physical resistances!
  • While you can get your choice, this is only for specific situations, so what works for one character may not work for all of them.
  • The amount of damage is low.
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10: The Boon of Fate

A D&D magic user casts a spell on horseback with a fleet of covered wagons behind him. Image

A lot of people think this is pretty impressive and powerful and it allows those who choose it to change a result for one of their D20s by using 2d4, as you reach Level 19, this boon really allows you to add a bonus. It seems pretty solid, however, for players! But they are limited to using it once per rest. That can reduce this special benefit significantly depending on how much rest your game is going to be having and that’s something that needs to be considered.

9: The Boon of the Night Spirit

A dwarf from D&D holding a sword and a shield full of arrows surrounded by other weapons. Image

Another interesting benefit that will help to increase a characters stealth. It gives your character an awesome buff! As well, as this feat, you might want to create your character so they can make use of these powers in a dark place, allowing you to blend in completely. It seems like the more dark areas a dungeon or world has. It will help to give this a powerful advantage to your character. It's a really powerful and impressive power.

8: The Boon of Skill

Dungeons and Dragons Game Poster Image

It seems like this is pretty much the go to option to become more skilled, that could improve just about every character! If you’ve always wanted a little extra, or if you have skills you never really wanted to have it can be the boon for you. However, as it applies to almost every player! It is harder to place it into specific classes that would be able to make more use of the features, this can also make this feature seem less impressive if you're thinking of playing a specific class and will be in line to take a lot more skills!

7: The Boon of Fortitude

It's as if you want to get a bit more power or those that think your character may not be the best choice as you go through battles. This boon will boost those abilities that add a plus 40 to the amount of hit points. There’s another cool ability too. You can get health back as long as you are getting healing once every single turn. However, if you're trying to think what boons to select this is still one that many players, especially those who need extra resilience, will have their eyes set on.

6: The Boon of Truesight

This is one that sounds amazing! You want the gift to be able to see in the dark! For sure. In the "D&D" game it really adds this incredibly special boost to your character.

  • Truesight allows your character to be able to see anything and everywhere!
  • Even if a space is dark, the characters won’t be limited to their line of sight.

For many players, the benefit that is offered is only obtainable by casting a specific spell which means, they have the chance to lose this power over time! But this one stays with you! It's something to seriously think about!

5: The Boon of Recovery

Now here is a boon for the brave and those that want a lot more healing, because it comes with some amazing benefits, but there’s a catch. The big one is, this benefit will come in once per long rest, it’s a boon you can definitely make use of as you progress in this world and make the most of this great opportunity.

Players who want even more? It allows a player to regain health for your character every round!

4: The Boon of Speed

This awesome boon will be worth every single slot it gets in your deck of feats! Why? Well, it’s easy. Your character can cover so much ground! But even more incredible is that your character can get the amazing power to instantly escape those "grappling" attempts.

3: The Boon of Dimensional Travel

Another boon, like the Boon of Speed! If you really want more freedom, then you want to go the extra mile. Your character gets to take a leap across a big distance. They can cover ground. You don’t have to use any special bonus actions for that. You can do so right after an attack or spell.

There are, however, a couple of important details. You can't do this if your character is blind or if the world is too dark. But other than that this has everything the boon of speed has.

2: The Boon of Spell Recall

One of the great features of this boon, will help a player do the unthinkable. Your spells can make a huge difference as a player.

  • If your character has a power to cast any type of spells.
  • That might be even more significant in higher level combat, you may not want to burn through those spell slots.
  • What you might get as a benefit for this amazing boon is an additional chance to cast your lower spells more times a day.

What's so awesome is it’s one of those rare "boon" that can allow the character to re-cast! It looks like it can be game changing if you want to keep making a big impact with more spell power.

1: The Boon of Combat Prowess

A boon that makes your attacks powerful, that will make players a champion of all "D&D". This boon will make it nearly impossible to miss.

While you are playing, your character can choose when to have an attack! It looks like almost every character will have their eyes on it. That includes spellcasting Characters.

If your goal is to make sure your characters succeed every time, you really can't go wrong with this awesome "boon."!

A new world of possibility, these epic boons from the Player’s Handbook really have so much for fans of Dungeons & Dragons. These will open the door for exciting gameplay experiences and add even more depth and value for anyone playing the Dungeons & Dragons, a true delight!

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