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D&D 2024 Origin Feats Guide: Best, Worst, and How To Choose

The new edition of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) in 2024 features something that's different than its older iteration! While D&D players know about feats. You now get the chance to create characters in an entirely new way.

Origin Feats In D&D

That's right! You will always be given an origin feat! The way that characters are built in D&D 5e, they receive this powerful and beneficial boon.

  • These are found in the "Player's Handbook"
  • You can really expand on your character by building your character up at the start. There are ten origin feats you can unlock.

Now that's a whole lot of choices, so which ones stand out the most? And, well, which should you steer clear of? This list will help to break it down, so you can create those amazing characters you've always wanted!

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Musician - A Feat That's Better Left Unused

A bard playing a stringed instrument and manipulating a kobold in D&D 2024 Player's Handbook art. Image

While Musician looks pretty exciting! You're able to play music and have that music inspire your allies.

  • You'll be able to learn a set of three instruments.
  • At the end of a rest you are even able to play music, and your allies are able to do a special dice re-roll after making a check!.
  • It may seem really powerful but the downside, the power of Musician doesn't offer too much in comparison to other options that are so much better.

Fans who've played a Bard know how valuable they are. They are able to make it super helpful!

Another major disadvantage of this feat, Humans, in D&D, can already re-roll a dice!

This feat can work in some unique situations. However, there are always ways to unlock an amazing, inspiring play. This feat may feel somewhat limited!

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Alert Is A Dud:

Dungeons and Dragons Monk from MTG art Image

When the game came out, this feat looked like something truly remarkable! It looked like a gift. But in 2024, the developers really changed things and what happened? This was downgraded! A real downer, because the previous version was incredible. It offered the character a +5 to initiative and a way for that player's character to avoid the "surprise" effect of the "surprise" condition, something players are often thrown into. The original version would really change a lot for you as a player!

While this feat did change some. You are given a bonus! And there's some nice little add on!

  • Your bonus will be based on your character's level.
  • It's something that's not unique to the "Alert" feat!
  • The "Alert" feat, it's great as you gain a bonus in initiative. It even offers a chance to swap initiative with one of your teammates!

It sounds a little better, doesn't it! It's something that may help. But in the world of D&D the “surprised” condition isn't quite as powerful as it used to be. And many of these great DMs (Dungeon Masters) have been giving players the option to swap initiative. All of this makes "Alert" not nearly as essential as the previous version!.

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Savage Attacker - An Easy Feat to Pass Up:

Githyanki Dragon Rider Dungeons & Dragons Image

For many who play "D&D" Savage Attacker might sound incredible, even better, it really is exactly the same feat as the 2014 version!

  • It's the perfect feat for any "martial characters."
  • You are given an extra attack, but that isn't all!
  • This feat gives you a second roll to try to beat a weapon attack! The character gets the best possible damage!

That all sounds really amazing doesn't it? The ability to potentially up your attacks could be so amazing.

It's not just an epic, great boon but often times not as necessary, especially as players can often roll higher numbers that may only give the character a 1 or 2 increase.

Even worse! This doesn't just fall apart, as players who have advanced through the levels might find it to be even less beneficial than before. What happens? This feat has limited value for martial characters that have unlocked a new attack.

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Crafter - The Feat For Creators

Dungeons and Dragons Game Poster Image

While this feat is a great way to get extra tools for characters, It’s the perfect choice for those who love to create those awesome moments and scenarios. This one is super handy for getting players who are creative to get more tools that allow the use of "tool proficiencies.

  • Characters are given an extra 3 tool proficiencies!
  • You also have the ability to make amazing items. Those that will only last for a day but that's not the big drawback! These items can include ladders, torches or clubs. It might be pretty handy as your characters can create items they are lacking at any moment.

However, players should really be aware of the limitations with "Crafter"!

  • This one isn't designed for anyone looking to create the absolute best characters.

Players are still given a discount as a reward for their creativity! You're going to receive a 20% discount for all of the items they purchase.

As much as it looks awesome on the surface. It may not be the most helpful, as your campaign's settings and other events can change how useful it really is.

Skillful - The Generic Choice

Here comes one that may be something simple, almost expected! It gives your character some additional skills!

  • You'll be able to unlock additional skills or tools that enhance your characters.

You see, in D&D a ton of actions are dependent upon skills. The "Skillful" feat might be a great add on!

You could potentially become a real powerhouse and the one thing that "Skillful" doesn't do is really break ground! You see, there is such an amazing variety in D&D! The characters themselves have so many things built in, with skills! If you are lucky enough to find a background or class you have a lot of opportunities, so it seems that this feat may not always be what makes "D&D" unique.

Tavern Brawler - An Awesome Feat For Unarmed Combatants

If you aren't a fan of "Monk". There is another way to do the same amazing moves!

While you might think you would want to have to pick "Monk." The feat, "Tavern Brawler" could be the one that brings your unarmored fighter to life, a unique type of D&D character.

  • The character has a major enhancement!
  • Unarmored Combatants, in D&D, don't usually make it out alive.
  • "Tavern Brawler," brings a new kind of fight! It can really add some unique skills!
  • You are able to use an unarmored strike for bludgeoning damage. You get a bonus d4 with your Strength added! And it gets better. If your unarmored strike hits 1, you get another dice roll.
  • Another big moment! Players get "Improvised Weapons Proficiency." Those items that can turn up in unexpected situations to turn those characters into even bigger powerhouses. The "Tavern Brawler" lets you push someone away when they are standing still.

While these bonuses may look epic. It doesn't mean the whole experience is awesome as DMs decide how to deal with the rules and you might find that Improvised Weapons can be very limited. That doesn't mean "Tavern Brawler" isn't a powerful force in D&D. It really changes the battle, giving a great strategic value that can turn the game upside down.

Healer - The Perfect Option for Anyone

You are looking to play as a Healer! This feat is super handy to add to a character's abilities!

"Healer," really enhances things by using a "Healer's Kit." This helps a character give healing, so they are able to restore a few hit points for those on their team, but it's even better!

  • Healer's Kit doesn't require a spell or magic! You need to have a bit of hit dice remaining and "Healer" allows the character to be able to bring allies back to life.
  • It becomes more beneficial if you get a "1" in your healing dice, meaning you are able to roll another dice!

It makes it super awesome to use, because in the past the rules had limitations and those limitations were dropped with this version. You'll be able to heal using a Healer's Kit with as much hit dice as needed for a team. That's one major improvement that "Healer" received. It also has a nice, useful change for Healer spells. They make this an extra powerful feature! You're able to roll a dice again, giving those on your team that much extra chance for healing and getting them back to fighting condition!

Lucky - A Powerful Force That Gets Improved:

One of the more remarkable feats from the 2014 edition of "D&D."

This was an extremely popular choice. So you can be sure there were some changes with the 2024 edition.

Even with some nerfs, this remains an essential feat!

  • Lucky is all about how you want your game to play!
  • This one will help give a character special "Luck Points"
  • Those luck points help in a powerful way. This will let a character make the best rolls with those d20s. It is truly awesome.
  • Players can also give a bit of "bad luck" to enemies who are going against them!

Here is where the "Lucky" feat has had changes! This was also one of those major advantages from the older edition. Players were able to reroll.

In this newest version. "Lucky" remains a powerful, beneficial force. You will still be able to impact the game.

Tough- For Durability

Sometimes those characters get caught in the middle of the fight!

There's a simple fix. That might help to change how these characters handle any attack that's going against them.

  • That fix? "Tough"
  • The extra hit points they can take and withstand makes them last longer!
  • Players get a special bonus every time a character level ups!
  • They gain 2 extra hit points. This gets applied as soon as the character gains a new level.

It can certainly change how much damage can be taken in combat. It's a game changer that also isn't super complex!

While the "Tough" feat may not add something super flashy. That's why this feat can make such a huge impact in "D&D"!

Magic Initiate- Open To Everyone:

This is something you have to be aware of. That magical characters are more than just powerful casters in D&D. This feat lets characters explore the powers of magic, giving them some key spells from various classes.

You can give this power to the most non-magical characters and bring to life something that could be a powerful turn in your campaign!

  • With "Magic Initiate" a player's character is given 2 cantrips! These are really cool abilities that are perfect for casting in any situation!
  • The feat also allows players to learn 1 first-level spell, but they only get to cast this special ability once a day!

What happens as characters reach higher levels? That ability to use those special spells, gets even more exciting!

  • It doesn't stop there!
  • A character is able to change that first level spell for any other spell, from that specific class.
  • And one final thing that makes "Magic Initiate" so powerful is that, as they level up and gain additional spell slots! That means they can even cast these spells more!

The "Magic Initiate" feat truly provides options to explore in "D&D" as well as bring in more versatility.

This list really gets to the core of what makes feats powerful! As players, make choices that can determine a character's direction, but as well a campaign, bringing new ideas to your DM's game! You can also learn about other feats to unlock! They may have all kinds of special, super-powered possibilities to unleash! You are only limited by your imagination in the world of D&D and these amazing new rules, and it's definitely worth checking out!

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