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Best Monk Feats in Baldur's Gate 3: Top 10 Guide

Unleash the Inner Warrior! Top 10 Feats for Monks in Baldur's Gate 3

Why Monks Rule in Baldur's Gate 3 (and How to Make Them Even BETTER!)

Monks in Baldur's Gate 3? They're not your typical warriors or spellcasters. They're a unique bunch using martial arts and unarmed combat to dominate Faerûn. And with the right feats? They become absolute powerhouses! This isn’t just another guide; it focuses on why these kinds of choices could really impact your play-through; it showcases why making the right decision from many possible choices really makes all the difference for building these very powerful character builds that might work extremely well within any team build you could come up with!

Monks get three feats at levels 4, 8, and 12. Each subclass has unique strengths–making those feat choices difficult. We've got you covered! This top ten list provides feats for maximum utility, combat prowess, and survivability. This means maximum results, regardless of subclass or play style!

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Top 10 Feats That Make Monks Unstoppable in Baldur's Gate 3

10. Lucky: Advantage, Rerolls, and More!

Lucky is a great all-around feat! You get three Luck Points (recharging on long rests). Spend them for advantage on attacks/saves OR make enemies reroll attacks. This could be insanely powerful. And here’s the really cool part, Lucky adds extra utility outside of combat by adding advantage on ability checks– incredibly helpful when making those critical decisions which may just completely change the direction that your adventure may take! Those Luck Points always recharge at the beginning of your long rests; ensuring this will continue through any kind of gameplay.

9. Tough: Maxing Out Those Hit Points

Lucky Feat text display in level up area of Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Monks are often in the middle of battles.  Tough adds two extra hit points per level! Seems small, but at higher levels that adds up incredibly fast – retroactively applying this change once selected makes a massive boost in early levels and creates that powerful tanky character capable of facing those powerful high-level threats and bosses later! At level 5? That’s 10 extra HP; making early game situations relatively safe, and higher level content comparatively easier to live through.

8. Sentinel: Battlefield Control and Ally Protection

A half-elf monk in Baldur's Gate 3 doing a meditative pose, arms outstretched. Image

Sentinel offers amazing control over fights! The key abilities really show just how valuable these additional benefits are and should always be selected: It allows you to make a Weapon Attack when an enemy hits an ally in melee range!  Great for multiclass builds using weapons! Also, “Snare” prevents hit enemies from moving (allowing your squishier allies time to act or escape!);  and you get advantage on opportunity attacks (improving your chances of dealing effective hits!) This changes the kind of defensive play style!

7. Martial Adept: Unlocking Battle Master Maneuvers

Text for Athlete feat for rogue in Baldur's Gate 3 Image

Monks are powerful already; adding another source of powerful attack capabilities through Martial Adept. It allows you to add some of those special capabilities only achievable from higher classes – in this specific case, the Battle Master fighter subclass and using one Superiority Die. The 14 possible maneuvers add extremely useful tools that further change and improve your abilities; allowing you to add another dimension that completely diversifies your combat style which could’ve previously lacked this specific functionality! This isn’t merely another selection but should ideally be selected given those overall improvements for the subclass itself! Choosing among these many abilities, "Rally," "Precision Attack," and "Riposte" are extremely effective; given how much better the specific damage output can potentially be.

6. Athlete: Enhanced Mobility and Skill Improvements

A bearded monk whirling a flaming quarterstaff at a skeletal dragon in a screenshot from Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Athlete works amazingly well, especially for monks focusing on mobility! Getting up from prone costs less movement and adding +1 to Strength or Dexterity (Dexterity's better for monks), makes many things better. A 50% jump increase? This improves your exploration capabilities; improves battlefield repositioning (a must for melee-based monks!) These seemingly minor changes greatly benefit those trying to fully play their mobility strengths to their maximum value; that makes it clear why such a wide array of mobility could impact gameplay tremendously!

5. Mage Slayer: Countering Those Pesky Spellcasters

Character creation screen showing a wood elf monk in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Monks can handle spells – but Mage Slayer adds extra defense.  It provides advantage on Saving Throws when facing spellcasters, lets you attack spellcasters using reactions if close, and gives those opponents disadvantage on Concentration checks; meaning your opponents are way more likely to simply drop those abilities because your added attacks completely counter it and is designed to increase that likelihood of success through these well-chosen advantages. It's really useful against problematic enemies.

4. Durable: Superior Short Rests!

Alert Feat text display in level up area of Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Durable adds another major element: Superior resting. This makes resting far more useful than expected:  It boosts your Constitution by one, making a powerful increase to hit points which increases the potential for longevity and survival through various fights, particularly early-mid game where more hit points could really be valuable, although its real value comes from its effects during resting! Short rests give full hit point recovery rather than just half; this kind of full recovery means many important items and class features come back during short rests and those quick resting periods provide immense tactical advantages, allowing additional action over longer gameplay.

3. Mobile: Maximum Speed and Movement Options

baldurs-gate-3-cover Image

This is another massive mobility boost– increasing speed by 3 meters/10 feet. It means additional benefits as Dash isn't hindered by difficult terrain, allowing faster positioning, mobility and tactical responses across diverse combat and other scenarios. Post-attack movement? No opportunity attacks! It enhances those moments which previously relied upon extremely specific movement patterns and situations to achieve, making it incredibly versatile!

2. Alert: Beat Enemies to the Punch and Avoid Surprises!

Alert does so many things right; neutralizing multiple sources of unexpected risks at the cost of only selecting this feat: You gain a massive +5 initiative bonus, guaranteeing you will always strike first; effectively neutralizing the impacts of surprise and counteracting several potential combat hazards and removing significant weaknesses that could exist early-mid game. You can’t get surprised!

1. Tavern Brawler: Unarmed Combat Perfection!

This is the quintessential monk feat.  Tavern Brawler adds your Strength modifier TWICE to unarmed/improvised weapon damage, also giving a +1 to Strength or Constitution!     And even better: this particular aspect doesn’t simply matter due to the benefits of added attack strength, it adds immense functionality even for Dexterity based monks, using that stat for attacks via Dextrous Attacks; further expanding just why these changes in overall added capabilities and strength mean selecting this one particular item is what should dictate the creation of most monk characters.

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Conclusion: Master the Feats, Master Baldur's Gate 3!

These feats will greatly impact your monk in Baldur's Gate 3. This goes far beyond a mere guide; it emphasizes why you should select these feats to create your monk; not just a tank, but also a well-rounded and mobile support player! Mastering them equals mastering Baldur's Gate 3! It makes it obvious just why carefully considering those aspects surrounding individual player decisions truly adds to the fun.

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