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Best Barbarian Items in Baldur's Gate 3: Equip for Epic Battles!

Barbarians are some of the most iconic figures in all of fantasy and now you can experience the epic power of the Barbarian, or specifically, Karlach! One of the game’s main characters! She will become one of your best fighters in Baldur’s Gate 3!

15 Must Have Items:

The newest version of this RPG (role playing game) brings in new equipment that helps bring a barbarian’s talents out.

  • The barbarian, who is typically the “tank,”
  • A warrior, whose main strength is their damage output.

It appears these warriors, like Karlach, are an essential part of the game and you will definitely want them as an integral member of your team!

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Must-Have Items That Make the Difference:

Close up of the Boots of Speed in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

In this new game, Larian Studios delivers some fantastic equipment to ensure your barbarian can go to the greatest heights, or the bottom of some epic battles. As you are making your way through the game and finding out about your new party members, don't forget about Karlach who is an incredibly fierce member of the group! You can create your own custom Barbarian or make your way through with Karlach and her incredible story!

Here are 15 items that are game changers for you or any barbarian character you might play as!

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Boots of Speed:

Close up of the Cap of Wrath in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

You may think that a Barbarian's strength is about beating everyone. They may be a melee powerhouse, but don't forget speed makes it easier to get around, in the best way! A Barbarian, along with monks, are one of the fastest classes! So, being able to get to where you need to be, faster, will add more value!

  • One of the best pairs of boots are the Boots of Speed!
  • They are rare items.

With a feature called "Click Heels"! The game gives your Barbarian some real awesome bonuses!

  • Double Movement Speed. As a bonus action!
  • Advantage Against Attacks. You’re protected as well when you use these! This is something you will need as your Barbarian is taking down your enemies!
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Cap Of Wrath:

Close up of the Blooded Greataxe in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

The Barbarian's tank abilities are fantastic but also dangerous, and they will be facing down some scary monsters. That's why the Cap of Wrath is such an important asset.

A cap that you'll have to acquire!

  • This rare helmet.
  • Will come with an awesome effect when you are below 50% health!
  • It triggers your ability to enter the Wrath condition for 2 turns.

What will the Wrath condition provide?

  • It gives you more damage!
  • It makes the Barbarian even more powerful!

The item itself, has some interesting stories behind its discovery!

  • You can get the Cap of Wrath from the battle against Nere! One of your more challenging opponents in this game.
  • Make sure to defeat Thudd, who also makes an appearance and might become an ally!
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Blooded Greataxe:

Close up of the Bracers of Defence in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Another way for those "tank" Barbarians to make a splash! Is the Blooded Greataxe.

The greataxe is more than just another great tool, but instead one with the most amazing, useful abilities.

  • You can get this axe from Nere too. The battle itself is tricky, so getting this axe is even more satisfying!
  • A very rare weapon with some incredibly cool effects that take the game to the next level, and, even if it can be acquired early, is still valuable and helps you win over your foes.

How do you use it? The Blooded Greataxe helps increase damage to the maximum, so you're really getting the most out of your attacks!

  • As long as you are below 50% health.
  • Your greataxe will give you 1d4 slashing damage in an extra dose to your opponent.

Bracers Of Defence:

Gloves of the Growling Underdog in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Every fighter needs great armor and the Barbarian will want to make sure they are really well equipped for every battle. For the Barbarian a set of "Bracers of Defense" is another fantastic way to add that defense that keeps this iconic warrior at their peak strength! It's just as important as dealing damage! Barbarians do an impressive job taking on tons of hits! It allows them to fight even when others have been taken out. The Barbarian’s talents really shine!

  • Bracers of Defense. It is rare.
  • This item gives the ability to boost AC (armor class)
  • The “Become the Bulwark” feature in Bracers of Defense.
  • When you're in battle you are given +2 AC.

Gloves Of The Growling Underdog:

Close up of The Mighty Cloth in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

These gloves might just be the right addition to make a Barbarian feel super protected.

You may think, what are these awesome, and incredibly valuable gloves for?

  • The gloves are uncommon.
  • You get advantage, in those close up encounters with multiple enemies, and make it that much easier to land some powerful blows! You might even want to pair them with an impressive shield!

The Mighty Cloth:

Ring of Regeneration in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Get your hands on some impressive clothing! You'll need a set of "Mighty Cloth." This item is designed to add extra value for those Barbarians.

The most notable thing about this gear is that it can increase strength! This is incredibly valuable as your attacks will do that much more damage. If that wasn't enough the game throws in more boosts!

  • Bull's Strength. An amazing addition to a Barbarian's powers! This adds a double-carrying capacity, so it's easy for the warrior to take on whatever is in their path.
  • Advantage on Strength Checks. It doesn’t end there!
  • This is the way to make sure your Barbarian doesn't go backwards and allows them to move in the best direction possible!
  • Advantage Against Restraints

Sussur Greatsword:

Close up of the Enraging Heart Garb in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Want to deal even more damage to those enemies. That's why it’s an essential part of this game. You'll find this special item early in "baldur's gate 3."

  • It's considered to be a rare greatsword, which is one that you need to unlock!
  • It's part of a special quest in the game: "Finish the Masterwork Weapon" A very challenging task, that makes finding the weapon even more satisfying.

It can be tough but your reward is well worth it.

  • What's best? This awesome, legendary sword, has an incredible ability to silence those annoying spell casters.

Ring Of Regeneration:

Baldurs Gate 3's Nyrulna Trident icon superimposed over a blurred image of the Jungle map. Image

You may need an edge in battles and sometimes your health might not be able to keep up. So you'll want to find some unique equipment! It’s important to be on top of your health, but it also makes this "ring" very special to help out with your Barbarian, or those who play as them!

A very "rare" "ring," with great abilities for "Barbarians!".

  • 1d4 Hit Points. When your "Barbarian" starts a turn!
  • This special ability can mean the difference! As your Barbarian is constantly under attack.
  • It will help those tough battles, that will leave some really strong enemies trying to take down your whole party!

Gauntlets Of Hill Giant Strength:

Close up of the Bonespike Garb in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

What happens when you have a giant? That's right, Hill Giant power comes from some legendary gloves! These gauntlets are designed to give Barbarians a huge strength boost!

  • These gloves are very rare.
  • It will come with a few bonuses that really enhance your performance.

That includes:

  • A "Strength" bonus that helps increase damage. So if your Barbarian is a melee power house these gauntlets will be invaluable!
  • Advantage for "Strength" It gives this warrior an additional boost for all those critical Strength checks and rolls.

To find this legendary item, make sure to head into The House Of Hope. One of the big dungeons that has awesome loot and rewards.

Bonespike Boots:

Sword of Chaos in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

It is all about the boots, isn’t it! These boots might look super simple, but they are among the more essential items. A set of very rare boots with an amazing ability.

  • They will boost AC (armor class), when your Barbarian doesn't use a shield, which can make it tough in some battles. The higher the armor class, the better! That is just one key advantage!

What's amazing is the Bonespike Boots will really add even more defense. If your Barbarian doesn’t have their shield.

  • You also get a boost to “Strength Saves” in combat.

One of the features of this item makes it incredibly powerful!

  • You're going to get an increase to “jump distance,”
  • The boots also include a move, known as “Brutal Leap.” A perfect ability to jump and hit your opponent while making sure your enemy falls prone on the ground. This move is ideal in an RPG world as your barbarian needs the ability to outsmart some of these enemies in these close quarters battles.

Enraging Heart Garb:

The inspect menu for Balduran's Giantslayer in Baldur's Gate 3, displaying its stats. Image

Want to go to new levels with your Barbarian?

The Enraging Heart Garb. You get this amazing piece of armor early on, as this comes as part of "Act 2." It adds to the strength and ability that make a Barbarian’s skills pop!

  • The main, super valuable feature: “Ruintamer Heart" The ability allows a Barbarian to get even more power, which turns them into a truly relentless foe.

This clothing item isn’t cheap, it is going to be an "rare" item. So if you can get it in this early act you are set. It will even add some bonus Constitution points that will increase a Barbarian's health! A big win, for a tank who's about to take on so many more challenges.


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A "Trident" can seem like a basic weapon, in an RPG but there's something magical about Nyrulna.! A very rare legendary trident!

  • Nyrulna is available in "Act 3. It is part of an exciting new zone!
  • This "trident" is in the "Circus.", making its appearance during a quest. It takes your "Barbarian" into the big game with the “Akabi's jackpot" quest. A quest worth completing as well, as you may need to test your skills for the chance to claim the best weapons in this epic RPG.

A legendary weapon, makes the most out of melee combat!

  • This special item, a legendary "Trident" with some of the best, most awesome abilities! You'll get "Bleed Damage" and also "Thunder Damage", with an amazing “Push” to really drive your opponent back from that battlefield!
  • It also grants the “Nyrulna Returns” bonus, giving the weapon some extra defense from your opponents who try to make their move!
  • You're in for another treat, "Nyrulna" makes a super cool move. You are given "Thunder Damage." A huge burst of power that helps knock enemies away!

Bonespike Garb:

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In Baldur’s Gate 3, armor makes such a big impact, for your Barbarians who might just be the center of every battle. What stands out with these Bonespike Garb is that this is an amazing defensive suit.

  • It is "very rare" clothing.

You get another Act 3 item that gives Barbarian players, who need every edge they can get! It comes with some super great protection.

  • You get 15 Temporary Hit Points
  • If your Barbarian goes into the Rage condition.

There are some really powerful attacks. The Barbarian's armor comes with the "Exoskeleton" which will take out some of those intense attacks!

  • An addition of “Two” points of damage will come from any attacks. This armor makes those battles against other foes all that more worth your time. If your Barbarian manages to hit the target, this suit of armor will give a special kind of defense.
  • You’ll have Piercing Damage based on the Constitution Modifier. Giving you an additional push for taking on "Melee" attacks

Sword Of Chaos:

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A "Greatsword." that adds extra chaos to the battlefield.

  • "Very Rare." You have to do a bit of searching!

There's not a character that could survive a lot of battles! With that said, your Barbarians, have an amazing opportunity!

  • What's even more awesome, this sword can deal some really intense damage!
  • You can even give some health back, by using the sword!
  • You'll be able to give your Barbarian an additional 1d6 hit points..

Balduran’s Giantslayer:

baldur-s-gate-3-shadowheart-in-armor-smiling-2x1-screenshot.jpg Image

It’s one of those epic moments when your "Barbarian" can make their ultimate move!

An incredible "Legendary" “Greatsword." The name speaks for itself! You are going to need an item to make a big impact!

  • "Giant Slayer" has some of the most awe-inspiring skills!

These abilities will help to make those “Giant” type enemies get knocked back!

  • The "Greatsword” will add advantage! When attacking these monsters that make every Barbarian nervous.
  • What really pushes this weapon over the edge, its unique special weapon action, the “Topple the Big Folk." A game changer to knock down, these huge monsters to a smaller size.

There's something extra that this legendary weapon gives those Barbarians! The awesome feature of "Giant Form." When your Barbarian makes their move and turns into a super big creature!

  • A giant sized creature. That means even more power!
  • It also gives an incredible boost to "Strength," making it possible to overcome those big enemies and, for the ultimate, protective armor: you're given 27 temporary hit points!

"Balduran's Giant Slayer," an absolute must-have for any Barbarian looking to add an edge and be truly amazing!

The game itself, is just starting, and "Baldur's Gate 3 is chock-full of cool new things that come out in this new adventure!

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