Movies News Talk

Baldur's Gate 3: Mizora's Fate - Save or Kill?

Who Is Mizora In Baldur's Gate 3?

Mizora is a powerful cambion who is an integral character within the Baldur's Gate 3 world!

What Is Mizora's Relationship with Wyll?

Wyll and Mizora share an unfortunate connection. She made a contract with him that gave Wyll the power to fight off cultists. But he had to serve her as her servant. The Wyll Questline delves into this bond.

What Happens When You Encounter Mizora in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3?

You will meet Mizora at the Moonrise Towers! Players who make it to this area in Baldur's Gate 3 Act 2 will encounter Mizora trapped inside a Mind Flayer Pod. The decision is yours to make: Will you save her? Will you kill her?

How Can I Save Mizora?

Saving Mizora is not the only option, and the consequences of this act can be dire. But, if you choose to save Mizora from the pod in Act 2, you'll need to release her!

Why Should I Kill Mizora?

The outcome is drastic, with permanent loss. If you choose to kill Mizora in Baldur's Gate 3 Act 2, the Consequences of Killing Mizora are major. Not only will it seal Mizora fate as being returned to the Hells, but you will also be making Wyll's fate miserable as well. You will permanently be barred from romancing Mizora. If you were hoping to obtain the Infernal Rapier (a very powerful weapon in the game) that Mizora offers, it is only available if she is freed!

Can You Romancw Mizora in Baldur's Gate 3?

With so many unique interactions within this RPG, many characters can be romancd, including Mizora. The opportunity to enter into a romantic relationship with her is a great choice that is presented in Act 3, if she is Saved, The catch: Many companions will have their own issues if they learn of the relationship!

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