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Baldur's Gate 3 Fighter Feats: Top 10 for Ultimate Power

Power Up Your Fighter! The 10 Best Feats in Baldur's Gate 3

Why Fighters Are Baldur's Gate 3's Secret Weapons (and How to Make Them Even Better!)

Let's be honest, Fighters in Baldur's Gate 3 are total badasses. They're insanely versatile, able to fill almost any role in your party, creating lots of unique build options! But choosing the right feats can be tricky. This list will help you unleash the full power of your warrior, no matter what kind of build you have in mind. Whether it’s your custom fighter, Lae'zel, or someone else entirely! These feats are what help define those kinds of characters and become immensely valuable for your party members, especially on those larger group playthroughs where multiple people really have different strengths. Every playthrough feels unique, and making use of some of these lesser known feats create unique and often game-changing improvements in some situations! You’ll probably love using some of these completely.

Most classes get three feats across the game's three acts, but Fighters get a bonus one at level six. And this is exactly the moment you'll need to have already anticipated which kinds of builds would greatly benefit your main Fighter character; meaning, there are really many different approaches and choices to be made based on your character choices and these can change even the way that the story can change for these characters. The possibilities here create an insane diversity to each playthrough; making your choices meaningful and your character extremely effective; so consider this deeply as you consider the many diverse opportunities for developing an optimal character strategy.

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Top 10 Feats to Supercharge Your Fighter in Baldur's Gate 3

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10. Charger: A Dash of Speed and Positioning Mastery

Charger is a must-have for any Fighter build. It allows for those super quick attacks or Shoves, depending on your chosen play style and build. It is important to consider which approaches suit the current characters: A highly damaging approach using those quick charges? An alternative approach utilizing positional shifts to improve team defense? Or a blend between them both?

  • Weapon Attack: Charge in, attack—no opportunity attacks!
  • Shove: Charge, shove, control the battlefield; this alone justifies choosing this feat!

That extra repositioning capability, without penalties to your party makes it especially worthwhile and this simple ability helps to change fights, no matter which situation occurs.

9. Martial Adept: Extra Battle Maneuvers and Improved Combat Efficiency

Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3 smirks as she prepares to attack. Image

The Battle Master subclass? Seriously amazing in BG3!  They get these awesome Superiority Dice for added attack power and effects. This ability allows selecting other maneuvers and improve attack strategies greatly. This ability helps provide immense versatility no matter which fighter subclass is selected, yet remains specifically great for those battle masters which otherwise could lack options in some situations, expanding and adding more possibilities. This is a smart addition and provides many creative possibilities that add immense replayability to your character build.

Martial Adept lets you learn two extra Battle Master maneuvers. That boosts versatility across those builds that may need additional strategic advantages or power outputs, ensuring that any unexpected situation has options.

8. Durable: Mastering Short Rests For Enhanced Sustainability

Lae'zel in camp during a conversation in BG3. Image

This one’s an all-around game changer. You are boosting Constitution, ensuring better survivability with increased hitpoints; not only that you are able to regain those hit points after Short Rests. Those kinds of abilities are often the difference between maintaining your ability to fight and the outright destruction of your character early in combat; especially when a surprise attack leaves some party members totally stunned!

That ability to regain all hit points (not half, usually) extends fight endurance and lets you make full use of abilities (like Action Surge and Second Wind).

7. Heavy Armor Master: Increased Defense Against Regular Enemies

Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate 3 with Balduran's Giantslayer next to her. Image

Fighters are natural tank-type characters and the Heavy Armor Master ability perfectly matches the standard playstyle. A surprisingly simple feat which boosts Strength AND gives amazing additional defense (reducing incoming damage from non-magical weapons by three). It makes an already-great Heavy Armor that much better against common enemy weapon types at lower levels.

It becomes significantly powerful when you have multiple enemies present; creating situations where damage reduction can literally decide survival versus early death.

6. Sentinel: Lock Down the Battlefield!

Text for Savage Attacker for rogue in Baldur's Gate 3 Image

Want more battlefield control? This feat adds an ability to completely control how your team’s positioning might shift depending on enemy choices. Using this power can dramatically alter battles by choosing your response carefully.

  • Vengeance: React and counter-attack enemies targeting allies.
  • Snare: Trapped enemies get stopped.
  • Opportunity Advantage: Huge edge on opportunity attacks; creating many more tactical advantages!

Keeping weaker party members safe against charging foes? Sentinel delivers that!

5. Great Weapon Master: Go Big or Go Home!

Alert Feat text displayed in level up area of Baldur's Gate 3 Image

BG3 has tons of killer two-handed weapons which allow some seriously amazing strategic builds. This power is one of these that justify it entirely: It increases both power and damage outputs, boosting an already potent ability even further. If this alone wasn’t enough to justify its use, the following abilities provide the needed punch to create the desired impacts for an improved combat ability!

  • Bonus Attack: Kill an enemy or crit? Bonus action for an extra attack!   This is crucial.
  • All In: Risk -5 attack rolls, gain +10 damage! A huge potential advantage which makes choosing this very tactical. Many may prefer choosing an alternate approach.

The chance to increase damage through these mechanisms becomes significantly worthwhile depending on many various situations in combat and depending on player strategy, could be a deciding element which tips the odds toward victory!

4. Savage Attacker: Maximize Damage Dice Rolls!

Shadowheart, Wyll And Lae'zel on the Nautiloid in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

Savage Attacker keeps it straightforward: it automatically rolls damage dice twice and only keeps the best result for increased power output in every single situation that may occur within combat and for every hit that your fighter creates!  This is powerful because damage outputs are not uniform in these kinds of situations, resulting in this feature often changing those close battles where it really matters.

This works incredibly well when added together with many buffs, critical hit enhancements, and especially combined with equipment; those extra possibilities in combining equipment which improve damage increase effectiveness in unpredictable yet positive manners, improving results significantly depending on equipment type used! This greatly increases the value of choosing some specific kinds of gear!

3. Alert: First Strike and No More Surprises

Shield of Devotion in Baldur's Gate 3. Image

This simple ability can greatly change combat strategies and power dynamics early in each fight. Its two-fold effect can save entire combat sequences; making the Initiative bonuses, combined with other benefits provided for this ability which dramatically impacts even the positioning of your characters; its unexpected effectiveness greatly reduces your character’s vulnerability.

  • Initiative Bonus: +5 bonus, perfect to be first to strike!
  • Surprise Immunity: Never get caught flat-footed. This alone is very effective and has many unpredictable yet desirable consequences and benefits in combat sequences. It creates a game-changing impact early game. 

2. Mage Slayer: Martial Prowess Against Magical Threats

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Want to even the odds when facing spellcasters? Mage Slayer completely transforms how fights against Spellcasters function. It enhances a Fighter’s combat efficiency significantly and often completely makes certain fights winnable in an unexpected and easy manner!

  • Saving Throw Advantage: Huge advantage against spells within melee range.
  • React and Attack: Attack casters when they cast a spell near you.
  • Break Concentration: Disrupt enemy concentration with devastating impacts. That alone provides ample benefit in various combat encounters that might otherwise create unpredictable issues.

This power is significantly more useful in several crucial encounters with challenging enemy casters who might otherwise quickly dominate a weaker team.

1. Shield Master: Defensive Masterclass with Shields

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The classic Fighter look—sword and board? Shield Master is your ultimate choice! Its defensive capabilities makes the character very defensively powerful in various unpredictable yet highly difficult scenarios. Even against AoE attacks that could otherwise dominate an otherwise weak defensive team composition.

  • Dexterity Saving Throw Bonus: +2 to Dexterity saving throws when using a shield. 
  • Block: React and possibly negate damage from Dexterity saving throw spells! A game-changing power.

That Block feature practically gives you Evasion. It provides similar levels of survivability, especially when those difficult spells might cause immense damage to your Fighter. The potential results of being able to either reduce or completely negate difficult AoE attacks can easily mean the difference between failure versus victory in several important encounter sequences.

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Conclusion: Forge Your Perfect Fighter With These Amazing Feats!

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Baldur's Gate 3 offers tons of customization! Choosing those perfect feats significantly impacts how powerful your character might become; significantly enhancing not just your character, but impacting even team strategy and ability to handle various battles. This guide highlights those best feats for your Fighters, making your character an absolute powerhouse! Whether a total tank, or a skilled battlefield controller, or something completely in between, these abilities increase potential outcomes for every fight. Choose wisely; the results could make or break some fights entirely.

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