A crafty Animal Crossing fan, known as Bulky-Protection9354 on Reddit, designed the most adorable gift for their spouse. The fan made a 3D-printed set that looks like it's straight from the game, making everyone wish they had the DIY recipe for themselves.
Bulky-Protection9354's wife wanted leaf-styled coasters. The fan delivered, creating leaf coasters that are the spitting image of the iconic Animal Crossing leaf. But wait, there's more! They also created a perfect replica of a Bell bag.
The leaves attach to stems coming out of the Bell bag using magnets, making the entire piece a perfect decoration for any Animal Crossing lover. This impressive set was entirely 3D printed and designed by Bulky-Protection9354, who credits their CAD design skills for making it all possible.
While many 3D printing files are available online, Bulky-Protection9354 has no plans to make their .stl files available to the public, paid or free. They want to keep the files for themselves, at least for now, but have hinted that they might become available in the future. This decision is no surprise, though. The time and effort that went into designing this set is obvious. The detail is incredible, with the leaf coasters and Bell bag looking identical to their in-game counterparts. Bulky-Protection9354 even added a red silk ribbon around the bag, taking the set to the next level.
The positive support this creator received from the Animal Crossing community proves that no matter how much time has passed, fans will still love this game. With so many creative fans like Bulky-Protection9354, it's no surprise that Animal Crossing continues to thrive.