Zero Hour: Crisis in Time is a pivotal event in DC Comics history, a 1994 story by Dan Jurgens. It was DC's first attempt to fix issues that arose from the earlier Crisis on Infinite Earths event, specifically the changes made to characters such as Hawkman.
In Zero Hour: Crisis in Time Anniversary Special, the central character is the Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner. The story shows Kyle confronting a time-travel crisis. It will also bring back several notable characters who were vital to DC Comics during the 1990s.
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time follows an era in the DC Universe marked by some monumental events that reshaped the storylines of beloved heroes and DC Universe villains. One key moment is Death of Superman. Afterward, this story is closely linked to the Green Lantern as Hal Jordan, who had previously served as Green Lantern, was deeply impacted and controlled by a fear entity named Parallax! This pushed the mantle of Green Lantern to Green Lantern Kyle Rayner!
The buildup to the events of Zero Hour, was based on previous work, specifically the storyline of Armageddon 2001! It brought in Rip Hunter, and the Justice Society. The story focused on a terrifying dystopian future. This laid the groundwork for a story that emphasized time travel, a recurring theme within Jurgens' work.
In an effort to rejuvenate characters for a new generation, DC Comics, focused on legacy and introducing new Justice League members. The Justice Society retired for a while, and heroes such as Green Arrow received a reboot! Many characters also appeared during the "Zero Month" initiative that took place after Zero Hour.
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time 30th Anniversary Special, is an amazing trip down memory lane, It will have those who love DC Comics and the DC Universe from the '90s! The comic, will revisit classic stories and even feature some new twists on iconic narratives, showing what could have been. Fans should be sure to get a copy at their local comic book shop, or from DC Comics itself.
Zero Hour: Crisis In Time saw heroes coming together to save the world. Although there was a resolution and heroes like Superman returned after Death of Superman, many heroes went through transformations. This could even influence the Justice League in the DC Universe moving forward!