
Wonder Woman's New Origin: A Darker Twist on Themyscira and Amazons

How does Wonder Woman’s Origin Story Differ from the Classic Version?

Wonder Woman's story is a complex and captivating one. Those who have seen Wonder Woman movies, or read comics from Marvel Comics or even those from DC Comics, know that her story has been consistently adapted. But the latest installment, "Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age", makes a fascinating alteration: This version of Wonder Woman does not haunt Themyscira, an idyllic, mysterious island.

In this new take on Wonder Woman origin, she's born in a dark and violent realm: Skartaris. A world which exists below Earth's surface and features a realm of intense dangers, in a world filled with various monstrous beings. It’s a departure from the classic version of Wonder Woman Themyscira, where her civilization is based on an island of peace and tranquility, and a group of strong women: the Amazons, known for their remarkable combat skills. Those who follow Wonder Woman's origin might notice that the creators of DC Comics have gone in a very different direction and, ultimately, made her origins even more tragic. It is particularly compelling when fans realize that the Amazons are set apart - and seemingly banished to the underworld, forcing those Themyscira Amazons to face more dangerous realities.

Why Do Wonder Woman’s People Hate the Kryptonians?

In this newest Wonder Woman story, fans are presented with a new reason why the Amazons have come to hate the Kryptonians - a rivalry that is seemingly an important component to her new, modernized, origin.

The Amazons in "Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age" have had a violent clash with Kryptonians, in a destructive event dubbed: The Doom of Krypton. This devastating event not only devastated Earth's surface, but forced the Amazons to seek shelter beneath the planet’s surface, into Skartaris, where they have been in exile. Even with a clear hatred for these beings, they’ve also held a distrust toward Kryptonians in this world. One of the most interesting details to be aware of - is that the Amazons in this world are shown to be opposed to Kryptonians who were often known for relying heavily on scientific and technological advances.

What Abilities Does Wonder Woman Have?

Wonder Woman is one of the greatest heroines, as she has taken on countless villains throughout DC comics and has been seen as one of the most well-known and popular DC characters. Those familiar with Wonder Woman might recognize that she possesses remarkable powers - often displayed across several films as she is a Wonder Woman character who uses her strengths and a unique level of moral guidance in each story to protect her civilization, or perhaps, even the universe.

Wonder Woman abilities include strength, speed and even an extraordinary skill set with a weapon: the lasso, known for forcing her victims to tell the truth - this makes her a formidable force, particularly in battling evil. She is known as one of DC's greatest heroines, with tremendous capabilities and skills. One can see her powers and even her strength on full display across a range of production from the latest Wonder Woman movie, to several Wonder Woman origin stories, as well as throughout the DC universe of comic books. It’s particularly interesting to explore the range of powers as this character goes through various, challenging battles.

How does Wonder Woman Connect to Superman in the New Origin Story?

Although these two are the main heroes for DC (considered a top choice for those who enjoy the comic book genre), it may be difficult to convince many who are long-time followers that Superman Wonder Woman have a shared connection to one another - particularly given their distinct, almost iconic origins.

However, with a newer story that is based in "Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age", those following Wonder Woman's origin will note an intricate detail - the connection between the Kryptonians and Amazons. It appears that they are set up as rivals. Although there has yet to be an official premiere of a new production that might showcase the "Wonder Woman origin". Fans of DC comics and those following these characters will be eager to learn how Wonder Woman and Superman will come to interact - given the intense hostility and mistrust that may exist between them.

Why is Themyscira such an Important Location to Wonder Woman’s Origin?

Themyscira is often mentioned as an integral part of Wonder Woman’s origin - one that has played a key role in shaping the Wonder Woman character that those who have come to adore will discover and re-explore throughout the decades.

Although Themyscira is mentioned as a critical element - this has shifted a bit - in more recent productions. Particularly in those related to “Batman: Gotham By Gaslight - The Kryptonian Age," which is set in a more "modern" era, taking those Wonder Woman characters and events into an even darker realm, and this realm of Themyscira Amazons has now been pushed to be a hidden location. Even with this alteration to Wonder Woman’s origin and Themyscira Amazon society. Many have argued that the overall theme of the characters remain the same. This is especially true for the Amazons and their fierce dedication toward protecting their culture, fighting against those who seek to destroy or subdue their civilization and those seeking to find out more about the Amazons origin , particularly in more recent production.

Where can I Watch Wonder Woman?

Those fans of Wonder Woman might be eager to explore and watch a plethora of productions, particularly when it comes to film and the ever-evolving and popular universe of DC comics, which features several titles. While it seems that her debut in comics came in the 1940s. Wonder Woman continues to have a large, faithful fan base as well as new generations who have grown to appreciate the character, particularly when they come to experience this as a film character - a highlight to the ever-growing film universe that has produced several movies featuring this superhero, specifically with the 2017 release "Wonder Woman", which received significant critical acclaim - showing those who follow the Wonder Woman character a very different, but equally entertaining side to her origin.

Those interested in watching the films featuring Wonder Woman - might be pleased to know they are easily found on a variety of streaming services, or even with several video-on-demand purchase options available. A Wonder Woman movie list will often contain a variety of selections - many will note the latest film adaptation featuring a diverse and robust set of stories. DC has taken a particular interest in ensuring those characters - those who often represent strength and power have made their journey onto the big screen. Fans may be eager to continue exploring this franchise and to re-explore its origins - as DC comics continues to find new, modern ways to deliver compelling stories for a new generation, as those characters evolve to meet a larger audience.

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