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Wally West's Return in DC Comics: The Flash With Godlike Powers

Fans of The Flash rejoice! It seems that Wally West has been facing a challenge that he doesn't plan on taking lightly!

id="wally-west-returns-in-dc-comics">Wally West Returns In DC Comics:

Wally West, who is The Flash has gone through some hard times. You see, throughout DC Comics he has been a member of The Flash Family, which is comprised of superpowered individuals and the group who are bound by the Speed Force. But he is more than a super powered being. He's also a hero, who is just trying to protect his family!

He's had his moments as he faced powerful "Arc Angles." These forces even want time to end! These Arc Angles were determined to do everything to ruin Wally West's life.

They thought they had it in the bag, but they made one serious mistake. They tried to ruin his family and they learned that Wally West is more powerful than ever and will stop at nothing!

Also Read: The Flash and Linda Park-West: DC Comics' Most Enduring Love Story?

The Flashes' History Is Framed by Loss:

Comic book panels: The Flash stands with his family, wreathed in pure light. Image

It isn't just the loss of a wife that he grieves for, as it seems there are moments when other members of The Flash Family met a super awful, unfortunate demise! But that doesn't just stop with The Flash! You see, the entire history of The Flash in DC Comics. The speedsters like "Barry Allen", or even the one and only, "Jay Garrick." The history and the losses these characters faced are a huge, painful part of DC Comics' storyline.

  • It's almost a trend when it comes to the "Flash Family". Their family is not really spared. Even in the era of pre-Crisis.
  • "Reverse-Flash" killed "Barry Allen's" wife, "Iris West."
  • A terrible situation where one of "Zoom"'s attacks took the life of Wally's twins.

It is no surprise how many characters from these different eras and timelines face death.

Also Read: The Flash's Speed Force is Actually Made of Time! What Does This Mean for DC?

Wally West Returns

Flash Barry Allen Costumes DC Comics Image

"The Flash" in all its versions and reincarnations has become a core, beloved character. You see DC Comics went through a major shift with The New 52 era in which all the universes of this beloved series had big alterations!

  • That meant, one of the most infamous changes, Wally West was simply gone! No more red-haired Wally
  • It wasn't a happy ending and fans weren't exactly ready to see this awesome "Flash" character disappear, which is why when DC announced their "Rebirth" series, many fans were hopeful
  • This brought Wally West, as The Flash, back with an even more compelling tale and what we learned was that he had spent years trapped in The Speed Force! This wasn't a smooth transition! It had a bit of an element that nearly shattered the DC world. It looks like they were in desperate need to repair things that had fallen apart.
Also Read: Speed Force Explained: The Flash's Cosmic Connection & What It Means!

Wally West, the Return of the Family Man:

Comic book panel: Flash Barry Allen hugging Kid Flash Wally West. Image

It’s not easy to rebuild a universe, and in a truly powerful DC event! It came time to get those families back. Wally West returned, but to do that they had to go back to where his story started with his wife, "Linda". There was even an interesting twist with a new twist!

You've got to see "Death Metal", where we got to see this incredible show where Wally becomes a true "God." and his superhuman feats make an incredible impact on "The Flash". These powers, give us more than a superpowered Flash but bring more depth and a meaning that will have fans feeling like they are part of the comic universe, making him a bigger hero. There's one major message about all of the "Flash"s that they stand united and help heal time in these big moments, just like Superman!

Also Read: The Flash's Secret Base: The Speed Force Revealed

Wally West's Final Word

Comic book panel: Wally West hugs his kids as his wife looks on. Image

Fans of this series are truly lucky as it looks like there won't be any additional attempts to erase the family, or The Flash! In the comic world. Wally West has learned that love truly is the driving force behind time!

  • His love for his children and his wife have given him a second wind
  • He is even a hero to so many because of it.

This time he's a Superhero to many, giving everyone a much needed sense of hope!

He isn't just a "Flash." He's got a very unique power to heal a lot of time in these stories.

Be sure to dive into the story as "The Flash #13," is available, which offers an amazing chance to learn just how powerful Wally West has become!

And for those who don't follow this epic comic book story, you might want to see this awesome moment and all the excitement about a comic series full of iconic characters. What a great time to revisit DC Comics as "Wally West" is the "Flash", proving himself to be one of the most beloved heroes out there! The comics have had an intriguing and evolving, journey through so many epic tales and they are not just the pages of an adventure! But truly stories about hope and love that fans of "The Flash" and comics everywhere will really appreciate.

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