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Wally West's NEW Flash Costume: JLA #52's Bold Design Explained

The Flash, one of DC Comics' most famous heroes, has had many speedsters take on his mantle. One of the most iconic speedsters is Wally West! His journey shows a unique side to his superhero evolution that many comic fans might find captivating and amazing.

Wally West's Transformation

In the "Divided We Fall" storyline (from JLA #52) Wally West goes through a major change! This was one of those major shakeups that the DC Universe always seems to enjoy and was caused by a mysterious event which causes humans and super-powered individuals to split into their human and powered selves.

This split forces Wally West to wear a new costume. He even makes this big point clear! As his hero name continues to live on.

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A New Costume and a Powerful Message

Comic book panels: Wally West shows up in a new Flash costume in a hospital room. Image

This totally changes things, creating this totally new Flash uniform. Instead of the classic look fans have enjoyed it takes the uniform into an interesting, fresh look with more red in this super powered hero suit, a paneled look which is quite a departure from his mentor, Barry Allen's iconic uniform. He adds some stylish goggles and a logo change, creating his signature uniform, a big separation that gives us an insight into the special power this hero carries.

Even Aquaman took notice and asked Wally West about his makeover and was given the direct and blunt message that it's past time Wally West grew up!

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The Significance of the Costume Change

The Flash and Abra Kadabra DC Image

Even though this bold move didn’t last very long for the Flash! The makeover and new look highlights so much about his transformation! It truly gave audiences something powerful and new!

A lot of Wally West's story in the Flash legacy has had Barry Allen play a part and even inspired Wally West's earlier versions as Kid Flash.

When Wally West originally became The Flash, his outfit was exactly the same as Barry's but his personal flair allowed Wally West to customize things for himself and created that memorable style that has endured over so many runs in DC Comics. As his heroic prowess has taken flight!

  • Wally West far exceeded Barry Allen in terms of speed and reputation!
  • They still had that familiar look!

This latest iteration shows the way he wants to showcase how powerful his character has become! Showing that there's nothing he needs in the world that doesn't come from his own incredible gifts, making him The Flash all his own.

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Wally West's Legacy

Wally West Flash Costumes in Comic Art by Nicola Scott Image

Wally West's journey is exciting! And for fans this was probably one of the coolest scenes from DC! Fans see this iconic character grow even further, making changes to the iconic costume, and truly establishing himself. You could say this was Wally's way of saying he didn't need Barry any longer, forging a new identity.

Many versions of The Flash have worn several unique versions. It always feels like Wally West paid attention to his mentor and others. As Kid Flash and then later, The Flash.

It always felt like Wally West was trying to stay connected. And gave fans the understanding of The Flash lineage, which this recent makeover made fans of this amazing series cheer.

This new and bold version from JLA #52 shows just how incredibly gifted Wally West has become!

Fans can currently find this amazing issue. And those interested in comic books need to go back to give it a look and also see just how much a hero changes. This is probably one of those storylines that will inspire a lot of new Flash fans for years to come!

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